Center for Global Programs & Services

The Center for Global Programs and Services (CGPS) brings together key enterprises to support the University's global initiative and campus internationalization efforts. As founders of the nation's first study abroad program, we inspire and facilitate the pursuit of global understanding by developing inclusive programs of study, opportunities for experiential learning and strategic partnerships. We welcome students and scholars from around the globe and foster their success through advising and cross-cultural engagement. Building upon UD's history as a leader in international education, CGPS is proud to continue our legacy of innovation in the 21st century and beyond.


World Scholars start their first semester living and studying in Athens, Auckland, Madrid, Newcastle or Rome. Immersed in a new landscape, culture and language, students gain more than credits toward their major—they gain new perspectives on the world. In the spring, they bring their experience back to UD’s campus and join the larger Blue Hen community. 


For World Scholars, exploration doesn’t stop there. Their junior year, they travel abroad again, choosing from programs in over 40 countries and embarking on their own unique journey.

experiencing wanderlust?

Are you interested in studying abroad, but not sure how you'll pay for it? Save the date for the Before You Explore: Financing Study Abroad Webinar on Tuesday, April 8 at 6:30 p.m.

International Student Experience Assessment

In 2023, UD was ranked #1 overall in visa support services, arrival support, and multiple critical aspects of learning.

CGPS conducts research to better understand the overall experience of international students in an effort to improve services in various university settings. Data from the International Student Barometer (ISB) Survey has been collected and analyzed for UD multiple times since 2017. The ISB is considered the most widely-used benchmarking tool for tracking the international student experience globally.

We're pleased to share that out of 137 participating institutions and 122,975 responses worldwide in 2023, UD was ranked #1 overall in visa support services, arrival support, and multiple critical aspects of learning in the ISB. We also ranked in the top 10 in several other categories.  

CGPS is currently recruiting international students to participate in the 2024 survey. Details about the results will be shared in spring 2024. 

Text on an image that says "2st in the world visa support services."
Text on an image that says "1st in the world overall arrival experience."
Text on an image that says "1st in the world multiple critical aspects of the learning environment."
Text on an image that says "2nd in the world pre-arrival information"
Text on an image that says "Top 5 Rankings in learning support, face-to-face orientation, online tests and exams, etc."
Text on an image that says "Top 10 Rankings in enrollment/academic registration, formal welcome to the university, intro to dampus, online tutorials, etc."

International Coffee Hour

All Blue Hens are invited to UD's premier venue for meeting fellow students, scholars, families and friends from around the world. Join us in Trabant every Friday from 4 to 6 p.m. for free coffee (or tea), snacks and games. No reservation is necessary!

We were proud to Celebrate 100 Years of UD Study Abroad


Learn more and join us for the next century of global education!

Internationalization Report

The Global We at UD


As the University approaches the 100th anniversary of its pioneering study abroad program, the institution has renewed its commitment to being a global university - launching a report this month that will serve as a roadmap for infusing international perspectives throughout its scholarship, research and community engagement. 

Contact Us

CGPS is here for you! Contact us at with questions or to schedule an appointment with an advisor.

Our staff are available

Monday - Friday  |  8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

International Student & Scholar Services

Elliott Hall  |  26 East Main Street

(302) 831-2115

Study Abroad

Alumni Hall  |  24 East Main Street

(302) 831-2852

UD World Scholars Program

Elliott Hall  |  26 East Main Street

(302) 831-2852

For Emergencies During Non-Business Hours

For international students and scholars: if you have an emergency when CGPS is closed, please call public safety at (302) 831-2222.
If your question does not require immediate attention, please e-mail

Other Global Offices at UD

Lead photos taken by: Jenna Tomovich, Winter 2019 in Chile; Kalina Ye, Winter 2017 in New Zealand; and Jenna Lee, Winter 2018 in Argentina.


#UDIntlCoffeeHour | #UDAbroad | #UDWorldScholar | #DEDiplomat