Ukraine Conflict Resources
CGPS is also monitoring any impact the conflict in Ukraine may have on UD students who are currently abroad.
Ukraine Conflict Resources
Like so many around the world, CGPS is closely monitoring the situation in Ukraine and providing support and resources to those in the UD community who are impacted. Our thoughts are with students, scholars, faculty and staff impacted by this conflict. Please know that you are valued members of our community, and the CGPS team is here for you.
As UD President Dennis Assanis said, this conflict is very personal for UD. Our community has demonstrated the educational and democratic values that form the heart of our institution: "sharing knowledge and ideas, expressing diverse perspectives, collaborating to achieve a shared vision of a better world."
We have developed and will continue to update this resource page to provide support and information. To submit an event or resource to this page, please email go-global@udel.edu.
UD's Voices on Ukraine
Ukraine Conflict Resources
UD’s Center for Global Programs and Services offers assistance to our international students and scholars who need support and resources at this time.
U.S. Immigration Resources:
CGPS Immigration Announcements
- Uniting for Ukraine Program
- Temporary Protected Status (TPS) Announced for Ukrainian Nationals in the U.S. UPDATED 9/7/23
NAFSA: Immigration Resources: Ukraine
USCIS: Temporary Protected Status
Klasko: FAQs for Temporary Protected Status for Ukraine
UDaily Articles:
Members of UD Russian Club show support for Ukraine
Crisis in Ukraine: Ad hoc committee to recommend possible UD response
Ukrainian refugee situation not just a crisis
Joining Our Voices for Peace and Justice in Ukraine: A message from UD President Dennis Assanis
UD scholars lead panel discussion on Ukraine: Event draws 500 in person and online
Rallying for Ukraine: Students organize event to show support for Ukraine
Past Events:
Stand with Ukraine
Jewish Studies Guest Lecture: Ukrainian Yuri Radchenko
UNICEF@UD Game Night
Witness to Terror: Regional Perspectives on the Ukrainian Crisis
War in Ukraine: Are economic sanctions on Russia working?
World Disrupted: Ukraine and Global Order
Understanding the War in Ukraine
Supporting Ukraine
Funding & Direct International Support:
IIE Ukraine Crisis Fund
International Committee of the Red Cross
Doctors Without Borders
International Rescue Committee
ISSS Disclaimer: The information contained on this web site is provided as a service to international students, faculty, staff, employees, and administrators at the University of Delaware, and does not constitute legal advice on any immigration, tax, or other matter. As legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case, and laws are constantly changing, nothing provided herein should be used as a substitute for the advice of official counsel. For assistance on your immigration status, we encourage you to contact an ISS advisor for specific guidance at oiss@udel.edu.