Kinesiology and Applied Physiology Professor Shannon Lennon stands near a full bookcase in her office wearing a blue sweater. She was recently award the Torch Award from the UD Women's Caucus for advancing women's equity on campus.
Kinesiology and Applied Physiology Professor Shannon Lennon, who’s the first female chair of the Institutional Review Board, has been honored by the UD Women’s Caucus as the 2023 recipient of the Torch Award for advancing women’s equality on campus.

Carrying the Torch

December 18, 2023 Written by Amy Cherry | Photo by Kathy F. Atkinson

Shannon Lennon receives Torch Award from UD Women’s Caucus

Shannon Lennon, the first female chair of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and professor of kinesiology and applied physiology in the College of Health Sciences (CHS), has been honored by the University of Delaware Women’s Caucus with the 2023 Torch Award for advancing women’s equality on campus. 

Lennon was a founding member of the caucus in 2011 and worked to establish the award, of which she’s now on the receiving end. 

“I was stunned. I was also flattered and humbled because many strong women, including Mae Carter, received this award before me,” Lennon said. “You have big shoes to fill when you win an award like this, knowing the women who have come before you.” 

Lennon, who’s proud to work for CHS, which is well-represented by women on faculty and staff, has always felt strongly about supporting and promoting women at UD. She called her six years on the Women’s Caucus “transformative.” 

“While on the Women’s Caucus, I had the opportunity to engage with women across campus whom I likely would have otherwise never encountered,” she said. “It was inspiring to connect with passionate women focused on the pertinent issues facing women on this campus and raising awareness about those issues.”

Lennon puts her beliefs into practice as chair of the IRB and director of the Cardiovascular Nutrition Lab

“I’m committed to diversity, equity and inclusion issues,” she said. “Within our research, we must work harder to recruit diverse research subjects and ensure our research opportunities are open to all people, and that means we have to appeal to them and get them interested in our work. 

“Within the Department of Kinesiology and Applied Physiology, I reach out to junior female faculty members and serve as a resource to them. I’m also vocal at department meetings about advocating for issues that are important to women.” 

For these reasons, the Women’s Caucus nominated Lennon for the award. 

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