Category: Physical Therapy

A stroke survivor walks on an adaptive treadmill as part of stroke recovery research. Dr. Darcy Reisman, professor of physical therapy, and Peter White Fellow Matt Carr watch as data is collected.
Stroke survivor Larry Christian walks on an adaptive treadmill as part of ongoing stroke recovery research led by Darcy Reisman (right), chair of the Department of Physical Therapy. Rising junior Matt Carr (middle) obtained the Peter White Fellowship which allowed him to work alongside Reisman in her lab this past summer.

Stroke recovery research

August 17, 2023 Written by Amy Cherry | Photo by Ashley Barnas

Human physiology major awarded Peter White Fellowship

University of Delaware rising junior Matt Carr, an honors human physiology and liberal arts double major, spent his summer conducting data collection and analysis as part of ongoing research in the Department of Physical Therapy. He volunteered in Professor Darcy Reisman’s lab this past spring and was awarded the Peter White Fellowship, which allowed him to dive deeper into research over the summer. For the past 10 weeks, he’s worked alongside Reisman, who is the department chair, in her research on stroke recovery.  

“Stroke is a huge issue in the world, and people are not walking as well as they’d like to, and we want to help them walk better,” Carr said. “I found that fascinating and a worthy research cause that I wanted to contribute my time to and enjoy it.” 

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