Our department offers outstanding academic programs for undergraduate and graduate students preparing for research, teaching, and extension careers in entomology, ecology and wildlife conservation.

Our teaching, research, and extension efforts emphasize whole-organism biology, conservation biology, and the interactions between humans and other species.

Our undergraduate programs

Our graduate programs

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Featured video


Lauren Pollock explores what factors affect the survival of piping plovers: youtube.com/watch?v=oaRK9iEvFaY

UD wildlife major conducts research on piping plovers


Senior Lauren Pollock, a wildlife ecology and conservation major, is exploring what factors affect the survival of piping plovers Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge in Milton, Delaware. Read more and Lauren's research.

Faculty spotlight

Angela Holland
Assistant Professor of Wildlife Ecology

Dr. Holland investigates mammalian population ecology and conservation biology. Her courses include Wildlife Management and Quantitative Ecology.

Latest news

  • A composite photo of insects and leaves.

    Modern-day alchemy

    September 26, 2024 | Written by Karen B. Roberts | Photo composite by Jeffrey C. Chase
    UD researchers report new bio-based insecticidal ingredients with potential to drive ecologically safer pesticides.
  • Turtle power

    September 11, 2024 | Written by Molly Schafer
    The discovery of a 60-year-old turtle shell in UD’s Ecology Woods reveals a web of Blue Hen connections.
  • Radar aeroecology research in flight

    September 05, 2024 | Written by Katie Peikes | Photo by Kyle Horton
    Researchers from around the world gathered at the University of Delaware for a conference on radar aeroecology — using weather radar to study flying animals and their interactions with the environment.

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