Angela Holland
Angela Holland
531 S. College Avenue
262 Townsend Hall
Newark, DE 19716
- Postdoctoral Associate, Wildlife Ecology, University of Delaware, 2019 - 2022
- Postdoctoral Associate, Conservation Ecology, The Jones Center at Ichauway, 2017 - 2019
- Ph.D., Zoology, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2016
- M.S., Wildlife Ecology, Auburn University, 2011
- B.S., Biological Sciences, University of Maryland, 2006
Courses taught
- ENWC 201 - Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
- ENWC 280 - GIS for Wildlife Conservation, Fall
- ENWC 325 - Wildlife Management
- ENWC 415/615 - Wildlife Research Techniques Laboratory
- ENWC 417/617 - Quantitative Ecology, Spring
- ENWC 435/635 - Population Ecology, Fall
- Mammalian population ecology and conservation biology
- Effects of management on wildlife populations and communities
- Wildlife communities in riparian systems
Professional affiliations
- The Wildlife Society
Conner, L.M., Holland, A.M., and Morris, G. 2022. “Fire exclusion and fire return interval affect small mammal populations in longleaf pine forests.” Forest Ecology and Management, 520: 120352.
Bowman, J.L., Eyler, T.B., Kalb, D.M., and Holland, A.M. 2022. “History and management of sika deer on the Delmarva Peninsula.” In: Sika Deer: Life History Plasticity and Management (pp. 521 – 535). Springer, Singapore.
Dion, J.R., Holland, A.M., Haus, J.M., Rogerson, J.E., and Bowman, J.L. 2021. “Birth-site selection by white-tailed deer in an area with low risk of predation.” Northeastern Naturalist, 28(1): 94-105.
Rutledge, B.T., Cannon, J.B., McIntyre, R.K., Holland, A.M., and Jack, S.B. 2021. “Tree, stand, and landscape factors contributing to hurricane damage in a coastal plain forest: Post-hurricane assessment in a longleaf pine landscape.” Forest Ecology and Management, 481:118724.
Holland, A.M., Haus, J.M., Eyler, T.B., Duda, M.D., and Bowman, J.L. 2020. “Revisiting hunter perceptions toward Chronic Wasting Disease: Changes in behavior over time.” Animals, 10(2):187.
Holland, A.M., Schauber, E.M., Nielsen, C.K., and Hellgren, E.C. 2019. “River otter and mink occupancy dynamics in riparian systems.” Journal for Wildlife Management, 83(7):1552-1564.
Holland, A.M., Schauber, E.M., Nielsen, C.K., and Hellgren, E.C. 2019. “Occupancy dynamics of semi-aquatic herbivores in riparian systems in Illinois, USA.” Ecosphere, 10:e02614, DOI:10.1002/ecs2.2614.
Holland, A.M., Rutledge, B.T., Jack, S.B., and Stober, J.M. 2019. “The longleaf pine forest: long-term monitoring and restoration of a management dependent ecosystem.” Journal for Nature Conservation, 47:35-50.
Holland, A.M., Schauber, E.M., Nielsen, C.K., and Hellgren, E.C. 2018. “Stream community richness predicts apex predator occupancy in riparian systems.” Oikos, 127(10):1411-1436, DOI: 10.1111/oik.05085.
Holland, A. and van der Merwe, J. 2016. “Do river otters conform to habitat suitability assessments?” Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, 157:2-13.
Karns, G.R., Holland, A.M., Steury, T.D., and Ditchkoff, S.S. 2014. “Maternal life history of white-tailed deer: Factors affecting fetal sex allocation, conception timing, and senescence.” Evolutionary Ecology Research, 16(2):165-178.
Jackson, A.M. and Ditchkoff, S.S. 2013. “Survival estimates of white-tailed deer fawns at Fort Rucker, Alabama.” American Midland Naturalist, 170(1):184-190.