Sheldon D. Pollack

Professor of Law,

Legal Studies & Political Science

University of Delaware

Newark, DE  19716


Office:  Purnell 216

(302) 831-1803  tel.

(302) 831-4676  fax







War, Revenue, and State Building: Financing the Development of the American State (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2009[reviews]


Refinancing America: The Republican Antitax Agenda (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2003)  [reviews]


The Failure of U.S. Tax Policy: Revenue and Politics (University Park: Penn State Press, 1996)  [reviews]



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Book Chapters:


Constitutional Interpretation from Two Perspectives: Canada and the United States, in Liberal Constitutionalism in Canada and the United States, Stephen L. Newman, editor (State University of New York Press, 2004), 35�62.


Is There Progress In Tax Policy? in 30th Anniversary Issue of Tax Notes (Tax Analysts: December 9, 2002), 69�80.


The Politics of Taxation, in Handbook of Government Budgeting, Roy T. Meyers, editor (Josses-Bass Publishers, 1999), 33254.




Academic Articles:


Same-Sex Marriage and Conflict of Law, Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy, vol. 13, issue 2 (Summer 2015), forthcoming.


Northwestern Football Players Throw "Hail Mary" but the NLRB Punts, (with Daniel V. Johns), 15 Virginia Sports & Entertainment Law Journal 74-106 (Fall 2015).


The First National Income Tax, 1861�1872, 67 The Tax Lawyer 311 (Winter 2014).


Origins of the Modern Income Tax, 1894�1913, 66 The Tax Lawyer 295330 (Winter 2013).


Arenas of Federal Tax Policy, 135 Tax Notes 1499�1514 (June 18, 2012).


Revenge of the 80th Congress, 129 Tax Notes 819�826 (November 15, 2010).


Graduate Students, Unions, and Brown University, (with Daniel V. Johns) 20 The Labor Lawyer 243 (Fall 2004).


Tax Professionals Behaving Badly, (with J. Soled) 104 Tax Notes 210 (October 11, 2004).


Republican Antitax Policy, 90 Tax Notes 289 (April 9, 2001).


Tax Policy in the 1990s: On The Road to Nowhere, 85 Tax Notes 1675 (December 27, 1999).


PAYGO and the Politics of the Surplus, 82 Tax Notes 1035 (February 15, 1999).


Tax Treatment of Environmental Transactions, 52 The Tax Lawyer 81 (Fall 1998); reprinted in Environmental Corporate Counsel Report, Vol. 5, No. 12, March 1999.


New Law Excludes Gain on Sale of Residence, 26 Taxation for Lawyers 144 (November/December 1997); reprinted in 59 Taxation for Accountants 188 (October 1997).


Gross Revenue From Gambling: Some Unintended Consequences, 76 Tax Notes 1455 (September 15, 1997).


Amortization of Intangible Assets In A Business Acquisition, 26 Taxation for Lawyers 22 (July/Aug 1997); reprinted in 58 Taxation for Accountants 336 (June 1997) and Tax Ideas (July 1997).


Revenge of the Muckrakers, 74 Tax Notes 255 (April 14, 1997).


The Campaign for Radical Tax Reform: Round Two, 74 Tax Notes 957 (February 17, 1997).


The Failure of U.S. Tax Policy, 72 Tax Notes 341 (October 21, 1996).


Corrections to Sections 1034 and 121: Victims of the Balanced Budget, 70 Tax Notes 589 (January 29, 1996).


New Dynamics of Tax Policy? 12 American Journal of Tax Policy 61 (Spring 1995).


Section 108 Excluded COD Income: Are "Windfall" Basis Adjustments Allowed? 75 Tax Adviser 259 (May 1995); reprinted in 68 Tax Notes 487 (July 24, 1995).


The Flat Tax: A Dissenting View, 67 Tax Notes 1253 (May 22, 1995).


Consumption Taxes, Flat Taxes, And Other Tax Fantasies, 66 Tax Notes 577 (January 23, 1995).


Farewell To Tax Reform: 1993 Tax Act in Historical Perspective, 64 Tax Notes 1081 (August 22, 1994), reprinted in Selected Readings on Tax Policy: 25 Years of Tax Notes (Arlington, VA.: Tax Analysts, 1997).


Tax Complexity, Reform, and the Illusions of Tax Simplification, 2 George Mason Independent Law Review 319  (Summer 1994), reprinted in 65 Tax Notes 1717 (December 26, 1994).


Use of Limited Liability Companies for Conducting Business in Pennsylvania, LXIV Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly 142 (July 1993).


ERISA Plans and IRAs in Bankruptcy Under Pennsylvania Law, LXIV Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly 47 (January 1993). 


Penalties For Tax Fraud Against A Corporation, 72 Tax Adviser 464 (July 1992).


Tax Reform: The 1980s in Perspective, 46 Tax Law Review 489 (Summer 1991). 


IRC Section 460: Long-Term Construction Contract Issues, 68 TAXES 30 (January 1990).


Obligations to Correct Errors on Returns, 72 Journal of Taxation 90 (February 1990).


Qualifying For Nonrecognition on Transfers Between Spouses, 17 Taxation for Lawyers 292 (March/April 1989); reprinted in 42 Taxation for Accountants 332 (June 1989).


Constitutional Interpretation as Political Choice, 48 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 989 (Summer 1987).


Unraveling the Constitution, 24 Society 56 (January/February 1987).


The Elusive Freud, 71 The Psychoanalytic Review 517 (Winter 1984).


Whither Liberalism?  XVII Polity 192 (Fall 1984).


The Politics of Self-Fulfillment, 1 Black on White 36 (Fall 1982).




General Articles:


Tax Reform: Trump Style, Sunday News Journal (Wilmington, DE), February 26, 2017.


Legal Arguments Over Same-Sex Marriage Are Tangled, Sunday News Journal (Wilmington, DE), January 24, 2015.


Is Delaware a Tax Haven? Maybe Sunday News Journal (Wilmington, DE), July 13, 2014.


Tax Reform? Please, Not Again, Sunday News Journal (Wilmington, DE), June 22, 2014.


Should College Sports Players Unionize? (with Daniel V. Johns) Sunday News Journal (Wilmington, DE), March 16, 2014, A33.


Delaware: Tax Haven or Scapegoat? 66 State Tax Notes 5356 (October 7, 2013).


Wish the Income Tax a Happy 100th Birthday! Sunday News Journal (Wilmington, DE), February 3, 2013, A17.


Tax Reform Cometh! 107 Tax Notes 1435 (June 13, 2005).


Tax Provisions That Expire, The News Journal (Wilmington, DE), Sunday, July 6, 2003, A9.


Blessing Sham Shelters, Legal Affairs, July/August 2002, 20.


Easy Money: Corporate Tax Shelters, The News Journal (Wilmington, DE), Sunday, June 3, 2001, A13.


It�s Alive: The GOP�s Plan to End the Estate Tax, The American Prospect, July 31, 2000, 29.


Forget Marriage Penalty Relief! The News Journal (Wilmington, DE), Sunday, March 5, 2000, E1.


Beware of Pols Bearing Surplus, The News Journal (Wilmington, DE), Sunday, September 5, 1999, H1.


Estate Tax Burdens, The News Journal (Wilmington, DE), Sunday, July 23, 1999, A15.


Time to Repeal the Federal Estate Tax? Trust & Investments, September/October 1998, 52.


Client Protection Forum Compares American and Canadian Systems, The Professional Lawyer, Vol. 9, 1998, 18.


New Tax Treatment for Home Sales, The Legal Intelligencer, October 30, 1997, 6.


FASITs: Entity of Choice for Securitization of Debt, The Legal Intelligencer, February 3, 1997, 11.


What the New Law Means for S Corporations, Business Philadelphia, February 1997, 14.


Sizing Up the Flat Tax, The News Journal (Wilmington, DE), Sunday, February 18, 1996, J1.


Flatliners: The GOP�s Flat Tax Obsession, The New Republic, September 18 & 25, 1995, 18.


Film and the Political, News for Teachers of Political Science (APSA), No. 37, Spring 1983, 8.




Book Reviews:


Making the Modern American Fiscal State: Law, Politics, and the Rise of Progressive Taxation, 1877�1929, by Ajay K. Mehrotra, in Journal of the American Taxation Association (JATA), vol. 39, no. 1 (Spring 2017): 99�103.


Response to Robert Higgs in Journal of Policy History, vol. 22 no. 4, forthcoming fall 2010.


A Government Out of Sight: The Mystery of National Authority in Nineteenth-Century America, by Brian Balogh, in The Forum: A Journal of Applied Research in Contemporary Politics (Berkeley Electronic Press), forthcoming fall 2010.


The Permanent Tax Revolt: How the Property Tax Transformed American Politics, by Isaac William Martin, and After the Tax Revolt: California�s Proposition 13 Turns 30, edited by Jack Citrin and Isaac William Martin, in Perspectives on Politics, vol. 8, No. 2 (June 2010), 683.


War and Taxes, by Steven Bank, Kirk Stark, and Joseph Thorndike, in Journal of the American Taxation Association, Vol. 31, No. 2 (Fall 2009), 114.


Toward Fundamental Tax Reform, edited by Alan J. Auerbach and Kevin A. Hassett, in 107 Tax Notes 1717 (June 27, 2005).


Contemporary U.S. Tax Policy, by C. Eugene Steuerle, in 104 Tax Notes 309 (July 19, 2004).


Perfectly Legal: The Covert Plan to Rig Our Tax System, by David Cay Johnson, in 102 Tax Notes 795 (February 9, 2004).


The Great American Tax Dodge, by Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele, in 88 Tax Notes 1669 (September 25, 2000).


The Decline [and Fall?] of the Income Tax, by Michael J. Graetz, in THE ANNALS of The American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 556, March 1998, 228.


Are We To Be A Nation? by R. Bernstein, in Journal of the American Bar Association, Vol. 73, Sept. 1, 1987.


Citizenship Without Consent, by P. Schuck and R. Smith, and Without Justice for All, by E. Hull, in American Political Science Review, Vol. 80, No. 3, September 1986.


Dilemmas of Pluralist Democracy, by Robert Dahl, and Participatory Pluralism, by Marvin Olsen, in Teaching Political Science, Vol. 11, No. 2, Winter 1983.


Post-Conservative America, by Kevin P. Phillips, in Society, Vol. 20, July 1983.


Woodrow Wilson: A Psychological Biography, by E. Weinstein, in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Vol. XIII, No. 1, Winter 1983.


The Two Worlds of Liberalism, by Eldon J. Eisenach, in American Political Science Review, Vol. 76, No. 2, June 1982.


Lyndon: An Oral Biography, by M. Miller, in Presidential Studies Quarterly, Vol. XI, No. 4, Fall 1981.


Hobbes and Narcissism, by J. Glass, in Political Theory, Vol. 9, No. 2, May 1981.


Ph.D. Dissertation:

Human Nature and Theory: The Political Dimensions of Freudian Psychology (Cornell University, 1980).



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