(Oct 2020) I was elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior member.
(Aug 2020) Two new NSF projects awarded.
(Jun 2020) All three IROS papers accepted.
(May 2020) RSS paper on IMU intrinsics accepted.
(Apr 2020) We won the ARL SARA award.
(Dec 2019) Our JFR paper accepted - Congratulations Xingxing and Yulin.
(Oct 2019) We won the IROS 2019 FPV Drone Racing VIO Competition.
(Oct 2019) Kevin sucessfully defended his PhD thesis and joned Facebook Oculus as a research scientist. Congrats Dr. Eckenhoff!
(Sep 2019) New NSF NRI Project on distributed visual-inertial estimation is awarded.
(Aug 2019) We are organizing ISMAR 2019 SLAM for AR Competition. Please participate!
(Aug 2019) I won the Google AR/VR Faculty Research Award.
(Jul 2019) New ARL project on high-speed UAV flying is funded.
(Jul 2019) We are organizing the first VINS Workshop at IROS 2019. Please submit your papers!
(Jun 2019) All four papers accepted to present at IROS!
(Jun 2019) Our TRO paper is accepted - Congratulations Yulin!
(May 2019) Congratulations Nate on his CIS Outsanding Senior Award and AAUP-UD Student Award!
(May 2019) Congratulations Patrick on his NASA Delaware Space Grant Fellowship!
(Mar 2019) Congratulations Yulin on his University Doctoral Fellowship!
(Mar 2019) Our CVPR paper on Schmidt-EKF based visual-inertial SLAM got accepted!
(Feb 2019) We open source our Robocentric VIO - check it out: R-VIO
(Feb 2019) I again serve as AE for IROS and PC for IJCAI.
(Jan 2019) My group has 8 papers accepted to present at ICRA 2019. Bravo RPNG!
(Jan 2019) Two RAL papers are accepted.
(Dec 2018) Two IJRR papers are accepted.
(Jun 2018) I won the Google Daydream Faculty Research Award.
(Jun 2018) Three IROS papers were accepted. Congrats RPNGers!
(Jun 2018) I was teaching a summer course on Optimal State Estimation at Zhejiang University.
(May 2018) I was one of ten U.S. experts invited as Robotics Delegation attending the 12th Sino-American Technology and Engineering Conference (SATEC).
(Apr 2018) Our RSS paper accepted. Congrats Nate!
(Apr 2018) Our Autonomous Robots journal paper accepted.
(Jan 2018) I serve as AE for IROS 2018 and PC for RSS 2018.
(Jan 2018) Two ICRA papers accepted. Congrats Patrick, Kevin, Yulin!
(Sep 2017) Our ISRR paper accepted. Congrats Yulin!
(Sep 2017) Advanced Robotics journal paper accepted.
(Aug 2017) I was selected to be one of the UD Maker Gym Faculty Fellows.
(Jul 2017) I hold an Adjunct Professor position at Zhejiang University.
(Jul 2017) SCL journal paper goes online.
(Jun 2017) I serve as PC member for AAAI 2018.
(Jun 2017) Two IROS papers accepted.
(May 2017) Our RAS paper goes online.
(Feb 2017) I serve as Associate Editor for IROS 2017.
(Jan 2017) One ACC paper accepted.
(Jan 2017) Two ICRA papers accepted.
(Dec 2016) I serve as PC member for RSS 2017.
(Dec 2016) I serve as PC member for IJCAI 2017.
(Oct 2016) I hold a consultant position at Huawei.
(Sep 2016) Our WAFR paper accepted.
(Jul/Aug 2016) I visited the Robotics Institute, Zhejiang University.
(Jul 2016) Our IROS paper accepted.
(May 2016) We received DTRA Basic Research Award.
(Mar 2016) I received the NSF CRII Award.
(Feb 2016) I serve as PC membe for RSS 2016.
(Feb 2016) I received the UD Cybersecurity Initiative Award.
(Jan 2016) Two ICRA papers got accepted.
(Nov 2015) I received the Delaware NASA/EPSCoR Seed Grant.
(Sep 2015) I serve as an Associate Editor for ICRA 2016.
(Aug 2015) I'm teaching MEEG 311: Vibration and Control this fall.
(Jul 2015) Our ISRR paper accepted.
(Jun 2015) Our Autonomous Robots paper available online.
(May 2015) I received the UDRF award.
(Feb 2015) I'm teaching MEEG 624: Linear Systems this spring.
(Jan 2015) Our CCC paper accepted.
(Jan 2015) Two ICRA papers on map reduction and underwater SLAM accepted.
(Oct 2014) Our TRO paper on target tracking was accepted.
(Sep 2014) I serve as an Associate Editor for ICRA 2015.
(Sep 2014) I serve as a Program Committee member for RSS 2015.
(Aug 2014) Our RAS paper is available online.
(May 2014) One IROS paper on motion planning was accepted.
(Apr 2014) In Sep 2014 I will join the UD as a tenure-track assistant professor.
(Apr 2014) One RSS paper on visual loop closing was accepted.
(Apr 2014) One paper was accepted to ICRA 2014 Long Term Autonomy Workshop.
(Feb/Mar 2014) I gave invited talks at Duke, UD, SUNY-Buffalo, UM-D, UN-Reno, UT-Austin.
(Jan 2014) Two ICRA papers on VINS and factor graphs were accepted.