Displacement-Based Internal Design of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Earth Structures Subjected to Seismic Loading Conditions
Farshid Vahedifard1; Dov Leshchinsky2; Christopher L. Meehan3
1Assistant Professor, Mississippi State University, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mississippi State, MS 39762, U.S.A.
farshid@cee.msstate.edu (corresponding author)
2Professor, University of Delaware, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 301 DuPont Hall, Newark, DE 19716, U.S.A.
3Bentley Systems Incorporated Chair of Civil Engineering & Associate Professor, University of Delaware, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
301 DuPont Hall, Newark, DE 19716, U.S.A.
Géotechnique, 2013, Volume 63, Number 6, pp. 451-462
A majority of the existing analytical approaches for displacement-based seismic design of geosynthetic-reinforced earth structures (GRESs) have been developed by considering only a translational
mode of failure (external sliding stability), and consequently do not provide a means for assessing the
seismic displacement of GRESs due to rotational movements (internal stability). Internal rotational
failure can degenerate to a translational one should it be more critical; however, the reverse is not
true, which makes rotational failure a more generic mechanism. To address this issue, this paper
presents a new analytical–numerical framework for the displacement-based design of GRESs, which
assesses the potential for earthquake-induced displacements via an internal stability (rotational) failure
mechanism. For design purposes, in order to determine the superimposed force in the reinforcement
due to seismicity and its associated displacement, the proposed approach examines two limiting
conditions: (a) the upper-bound force that can be mobilised in the reinforcement, as determined by
pseudo-static limit equilibrium; and (b) the force that can be induced in the reinforcement by a given
earthquake acceleration applied over a finite time increment. Either condition satisfies equilibrium.
The prevailing seismically induced force and displacement in the reinforcement for each time
increment are determined by selecting the smaller value that results from these two conditions. As an
auxiliary tool, a set of pullout simulations was performed using finite-element analysis in order to
relate the force and displacement in the geosynthetic reinforcement for various geosynthetic
stiffnesses. To illustrate the application of the proposed method, a design example using a Kobe
earthquake record is presented. For this example, the superimposed force in the reinforcement due to
seismicity, the seismic displacement, and the seismic rotation are calculated. The required unfactored
geosynthetic strength is then determined using a uniform distribution function.
Design; Earthquakes; Geosynthetics; Limit equilibrium methods; Reinforced soils; Seismicity
Vahedifard, F., Leshchinsky, D., and Meehan, C. L. (2013). “Displacement-Based Internal Design of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Earth Structures Subjected to Seismic Loading Conditions.” Géotechnique, The Institution of Civil Engineers, 63(6), 451-462. (doi:10.1680/geot.11.P.130)