Unpublished Papers and Manuscripts
2025. Phrase Structure Paradoxes and C-Command Paradoxes: A Comparison of Bruening (2014) and Larson (2024). [Download draft (updated 1/23/2025)].
2024. A Purely Syntactic Account of Displaced Morphology in German. [Download draft].
2024. Mari/Udmurt Negation Does Not Require Post-Syntactic Operations (A Reply to Georgieva et al.~2021). [Download draft].
2024. Depictive Secondary Predicates DO Rule Out a Small Clause Analysis of Resultatives: A Response to Hu and Cheng (2024). [Download draft (updated 12/1/2024)].
2021. Mirror Principle Violations in Bantu Languages Have Been Misanalyzed. Talk presented at Structural Asymmetries in African Languages, April 2021. [Download slides from the talk].
2021. Second Position Clitics: Syntax Can See Phonology.[Download draft].
2021. Spelling out the Numeration, Part 2: A Left-to-Right Derivation Accounts for Elements that Attach to the First Item of a Certain Type.[Download draft].
2021. Spelling out the Numeration, Part 1: Selection by Itself Accounts for Synthetic-Periphrastic Alternations.[Download draft].
2020. Strict Linear and Hierarchical Adjacency: P+Det Combinations. Talk presented at the LSA annual meeting, New Orleans. [Download slides from the talk].
2019. Disjunctive Selection is Necessary for ``Hierarchy of Projections'' and it Accounts for Transitivity Failures.[Download draft].
2019. Experiments Reveal that Scope is Not Frozen in English Double Object Constructions. [Download draft].
2019. Doing Away with Post-Syntactic Operations: No Need for Lowering or Local Dislocation in a Minimal Morphosyntax. [Download draft].
2019. On the Motivation for Phonology-Free Syntax and Multiple Levels in a Derivational Grammar. [Download draft].
2018. Binding, Coreference, and Presuppositions in the Binding Theory. Invited plenary talk, NELS 49, Cornell University. [Download slides from the talk].
2018. An Even Simpler Account of Dem Num A N Orders. [Download draft].
2017. Consolidated Morphology: A Non-Distributed, Purely Syntactic Theory of Morphology. Book-length manuscript. [Download draft (8/23/2017)].
2017. Benjamin Bruening and Eman Al Khalaf, Reconstruction and Linear Order in ATB Movement and Parasitic Gap Constructions. [Download draft (updated 2/9/2017)].
2016. Old English Verb-Second-ish in a Typology of Verb-Second. [Download draft (11/09/2016)].
2015. Eman Al Khalaf and Benjamin Bruening, Linear Order in Syntax: Selection in Coordination. [Download slides from talk presented at NELS 46, Concordia University, October 2015] [Download draft of paper] (Note that this paper is superseded by ``Category Mismatches in Coordination Revisited'' in Linguistic Inquiry.)
2015. Idioms, Anaphora, and Movement Diagnostics. [Download draft (updated 12/3/2015)].
2014. Depictive Secondary Predicates, Light Verb Give, and Theories of Double Object Constructions. (Paper accompanies poster presented at NELS 45, MIT.) [Download draft (revised 6/29/2015)].
2014. Subject-Verb Inversion as Generalized Alignment. [Download slides from a talk] (updated October 2014)
2011. Pseudopassives, Expletive Passives, and Locative Inversion. [Download draft]
2009. Some Reasons to Think that there is a Dedicated Reciprocal Semantics Cross-Linguistically. [Download handout from a talk]
2009. Wh-Words as Indefinites: Passamaquoddy-Maliseet Versus Mi'kmaq. [Download handout from a talk]
2007. Passamaquoddy as a Split Ergative Language and Its Consequences for Marantz's Ergative Case Generalization. [Download draft (12/2007)]
2007. On the Word Order of Quantificational Elements in Passamaquoddy. [Download handout from a talk]
2007. On Diagnostics of Structural Case and the Nature of Ergative Case. [Download draft (7/2007)]
2006. Discrepancies between Projection and Selection: Split Coordination and Raising to Object in Passamaquoddy. [Download draft]
2006. Against Predicate-Based Reflexivity: Anaphors as Subjects of Embedded Clauses. [Download handout from a talk]
2006. The Morphosyntax and Semantics of Verbal Reciprocals. [Download draft]
2005. Split Coordination in Passamaquoddy. [Download rough draft]
2005. The Algonquian Inverse is Syntactic: Binding in Passamaquoddy. [Download draft]
2003. Split Coordination and Successive-Cyclic Movement in Passamaquoddy. WECOL, University of Arizona, September 2003. [Download handout]
2001. Raising to Object and Proper Movement. [Download draft]
1999. Morphological Templates and Phonological Opacity. Talk presented at the Second Mediterranean Meeting on Morphology, University of Malta. September 1999. [Download updated handout (used in a guest lecture for a phonology class at MIT)]