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University of Delaware

Recent Executive Orders

A message to the UD community from President Dennis Assanis

Dear UD Community,

Many in our community may have questions about the implications of initiatives underway at the federal level, including the issuance of several Executive Orders by the U.S. government over the past week. We are closely monitoring this developing situation and actively collaborating with other higher education leaders to interpret the guidance issued from federal and state agencies.

Our commitment to the University of Delaware’s mission—advancing academic excellence, groundbreaking research and dedicated service—remains steadfast. We are working to maximize institutional continuity at UD and minimize disruptions to our valued community of students, faculty and staff.

We will continue to review ongoing developments and provide guidance and actions for specific areas as clarity emerges. As always, our University will adapt to change, comply with the law, and innovate forward to ensure our important work continues.


Dennis Assanis

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