TEDX Applications open now
February 13, 2025
Great thinkers, speakers and performers are invited to 'give the talk of a lifetime'
Speaker applications for the eighth annual TEDxUniversityofDelaware event open on Monday, Feb. 17. TED enthusiasts, great thinkers, speakers and performers are invited to "give the talk of a lifetime" at TEDxUniversityofDelaware 2025.
TEDxUniversityofDelaware’s community-wide event will be organized around the theme of “pivot.” Life is a series of turning points – moments when some or all of us must suddenly shift direction, alignment, strategy – and embrace a new unknown.
TEDxUniversityofDelaware seeks applications for ideas and speakers for this upcoming dynamic event that explores the art of adaptation, resilience and transformation in our ever changing world.
This theme was selected to inspire multidisciplinary and transformative ideas consistent with the principles of TED, a nonprofit organization devoted to ideas worth spreading. The committee is especially interested in making the talks as diverse as possible, both culturally and by topic. Talks do not need to be limited to covering topics of pivot or mention the theme in title or content.
The deadline to apply is 11:59 p.m., March 16, 2025.
Dynamic, highly visual presentations coupled with a storytelling speaking style are encouraged. As with TEDx guidelines, speakers are disallowed from addressing political and/or religious agendas or promoting a company, and also precluded from using podiums or notes during their talk.
For further information, please visit www.tedx.udel.edu/apply.
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