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University of Delaware

Registration open for fall CTAL seminars

Short-courses on teaching practices and course design open to all instructors

This fall, the Center for Teaching and Assessment of Learning is offering two seminars for our community of educators: Putting Learning Theories into Teaching Practice and Course Design. These seminars are taught over several sessions, in-person in UD classrooms, and provide an opportunity for exploring and engaging with peers and colleagues on teaching and learning topics. Both seminars are appropriate for novice instructors as well as faculty with years of experience who seek new ideas for their courses.

Putting Learning Theories into Teaching Practice is taught by Rose Muravchick, who will work with participants to answer questions such as: What can I do to get students to connect course content to their lives outside of the classroom? Should I give in-class quizzes? How can I get my students to improve their study habits around big exams? This seminar meets across four Monday mornings, beginning Sept. 23.

Course Design, based on CTAL's popular Course Design Institute, is taught by CTAL's director, Matthew Trevett-Smith,, and welcomes those who wish to design a new course or refresh an existing one. Participants will produce a syllabus by the fifth and final session and receive peer-feedback on their design. This seminar meets over five sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning Oct. 8.

Detailed information and registration forms are on the CTAL Programs page.

For further information, please visit: https://ctal.udel.edu/seminars/

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