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UD-OEM and Climate Fellows at Newark Community Day

Newark Prepares with Climate Fellows and UD Emergency Management

UD Office of Emergency Management and Climate Fellows join forces at Newark Community Day

The University of Delaware’s Office of Emergency Management (UD-OEM) and the UD Climate Fellows recently teamed up to support this year’s Newark Community Day. The annual event, held on Sept. 15, brought community members, students and local organizations to the University Green to engage with nonprofits, vendors, musical acts and more.

The joint effort between the Climate Fellows, a group of dedicated graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, and UD-OEM focused on highlighting the importance of community involvement in addressing both the immediate and long-term challenges posed by climate change and everyday emergencies. Included in the event were a hands-on community climate survey, free community emergency preparedness materials and information sessions on National Preparedness Month (September), which emphasizes the importance of being ready before a disaster happens.

For more information, follow the UD Climate Fellows on Instagram at @udclimatefellows or visit their site within the University’s Climate Change Hub at sites.udel.edu/climatechangehub/climate-fellows. Then to learn more about the University’s Office of Emergency Management and how you can better prepare yourself for emergencies and disasters here on campus please visit www.udel.edu/emergency.

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