Electrifying career
Illustration by Joy Smoker, portrait and figure courtesy of Len Cimini September 20, 2024
UD electrical engineer Leonard Cimini contributed to the foundation of digital cellular communications
How many times a day do you text your loved ones, look something up, scroll through social media or use your favorite apps? For many of us, the answer is probably at least in the hundreds; cell phones have become an integral part of our lives. However, for all the time we spend on our phones and despite all of the helpful services they provide, many of us also don’t understand how it became possible for us to carry a computer in our pocket.
Throughout a career that spans decades, Professor Emeritus Leonard “Len” Cimini has charted the course of cellular technology through groundbreaking research while encouraging generations of students to continue pushing the boundaries of electrical and computer engineering.
From Scholar to Caller
After graduating from high school in South Philadelphia, Cimini attended the University of Pennsylvania where he majored in electrical engineering, a decision that was motivated by his desire to use his talents and interests in math and physics. He continued at Penn for a master’s degree followed by a Ph.D. in electrical engineering with a dissertation focused on signal processing. Throughout his studies, Cimini would interview for different jobs, but none matched his ambitions. Once he earned his doctorate, he landed a job at his dream company: Bell Labs.
Bell Labs, the former research and development arm of AT&T, revolutionized telecommunications throughout the 20th century with inventions including the transistor, the solar cell, the Unix operating system and several programming languages. When Cimini joined Bell Labs in 1982, he began working on the development of the first cellular phone system in the United States. Today, we know this as wireless, and it’s the reason why our phones aren’t tethered by a cord.
Cimini worked with colleagues in the Forward Looking Radio group on what would become 2G, or the second generation cellular network, to both digitize the network and enable higher bit rates over a wireless or radio channel. Cimini specifically was looking into how to make the data services feasible, and it was during this time that he discovered how orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) could be applied to digital cellular technology.
High-Speed Foundations
OFDM is a method of data transmission where the bits of data being sent to the receiver are transmitted over multiple closely spaced subchannel frequencies. The subchannel frequencies are spaced in such a way so they can be separated at the receiver. By using many narrow subchannels, OFDM overcomes the bit rate limit set by the channel. It also simplifies the design of the data transmitter and receiver, in contrast to a traditional single channel data transmission where only one bit of information is transmitted at a time.
“If you wanted a cable to your house and you wanted a bit rate to your house of 20 megabits per second and the cable you have only gives you one, what would you do?” explained Cimini. “You'd go to the cable company and say, ‘Can I have 20 cables?’…OFDM is the same way. It's saying that if I transmit a signal, and I'm limited to five megabits per second, if I want 100 megabits per second, I just buy myself 20 channels.”
Cimini was the first person to theoretically apply the OFDM method for digital mobile channels, publishing his landmark paper, Analysis and simulation of a digital mobile channel using orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, in IEEE Transactions on Communications in 1985. As of publication, this research paper has been cited over 3,800 times, but in 1985 Cimini’s finding flew under the radar at the time because engineers did not have the technology available to implement OFDM in existing mobile devices. Although Cimini’s goal was application in second generation cellular networks, OFDM would not be implemented until fourth generation cellular networks were created.
“The adoption of OFDM has had a transformative impact on wireless communications, evident in several key areas: enhancing data rates, improving robustness to fading (signal fluctuation), ensuring efficient bandwidth usage and serving as a foundation for modern wireless communication standards,” Charles Black Evans Professor of Electrical Engineering Ken Barner said.

Today, we use fifth generation, or 5G, cellular networks so that our phones and other mobile devices can function without being connected to WiFi, and 5G networks still use the concepts of OFDM. Recently Cimini was one of three people awarded the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Eric E. Sumner Technical Field Award “[for] contributions to the theory and practice of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) for Wireless Communications.” IEEE Communications Society also recognized his significant impact with the Edwin Howard Armstrong Achievement Award.
“Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) has fundamentally transformed wireless communications, enabling high-speed, reliable, and efficient data transmission in modern networks,” Barner said. “The contributions of Professor Leonard J. Cimini have been instrumental in the development and proliferation of OFDM technology, impacting both academic research and practical applications. His pioneering work continues to inspire advancements in wireless communications, shaping the future of connectivity in an increasingly digital world.”
Building Bridges Through Research
In 2002, Cimini received a call from Xiang-Gen Xia, Charles Black Evans Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, about an open position at the University of Delaware. Cimini, who had been teaching weekly at Penn while working at AT&T, leveraged his 20 years of research experience to negotiate for a full professor position with tenure in the College of Engineering’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
“[Cimini] joining the department put UD ECE on the map regarding top leading research in communications,” Barner explained.
During his 22 years at UD, a core component of Cimini’s research program has always been about collaboration. He developed working relationships with his friends at other universities such as Lehigh University, the New Jersey Institute of Technology and Princeton University. Cimini and his colleagues secured large grants from the U.S. Air Force and the National Science Foundation. Cimini also developed long standing industry partnerships with Intel, Cisco, Broadcom, AT&T and Lucent.
One of Cimini’s biggest research collaborations was a project on applying multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) antenna systems to radar with Bell Labs, NJIT and Lehigh. The collaboration led to multiple papers that have thousands of citations and established the theoretical foundations of the field of MIMO radar.
Cimini humbly credits much of his research and academic success to being surrounded by great people and advises students and young professionals to do the same. It’s this focus on collaboration and connection that has been a hallmark of Cimini’s career and its impressive level of impact.
“What I had were the greatest colleagues you could ever want,” Cimini said. “They were generous, they were friendly, they were smart…they allowed me to do my best work.”
Inspiring the Next Generation
Cimini’s team-oriented approach to research has also been a feature of his work in his classroom and how he approached teaching for 22 years here at UD.
Cimini went above and beyond to make himself available to his students outside of class, so that they could work together on difficult coursework.
“On the first day of class, he gave us his cell phone number and said, ‘You can text me any time of the day if you have any questions,’” said Tyler Rizak, a senior electrical engineering major and former ELEG 305 student of Cimini’s. “Sure enough, there were three different times when I was struggling with a certain problem or concept, I texted him and within thirty minutes he would respond with a well thought out response…and he did that for every student.”
Cimini taught ELEG 305: Signals and Systems for over 20 years. It is a challenging course that teaches electrical and computer engineering students how to apply complicated mathematical concepts related to time and frequency signal characterization, with application examples that include medical imaging, audio processing, and network analysis.
The mathematical concepts introduced in this class have the potential to be overwhelming, but Cimini always came to the classroom with his own humility on display, frequently admitting when he didn’t know how to directly solve a complicated math problem, and instead focused on breaking the problem down into digestible components that students could better understand.
Despite the challenges of the course, Cimini believes that students who take ELEG 305 gain important insights, not only from understanding how the math works but also the meaning of the mathematical concepts, a foundation that can help them throughout their careers.
“Beyond the analytic tools, students learn new perspectives on how to think about both the physical world around them and computers as systems rich with time-varying signals,” said Austin Brockmeier, an assistant professor who currently teaches ELEG 305.
“His teachings instilled me with an interest in the realm of signal processing,” Rizak said. “Taking his course pushed me towards not only digital signal processing, but also radio frequency engineering, which also involves a lot of signal processing concepts. Without Dr. Cimini’s course, I doubt that I would have pursued these particular subfields of electrical and computer engineering.”
Powerful Mentorship
Along with helping undergraduates gain insights and discover new opportunities in signal processing, Cimini also served as an advisor to over 20 graduate students. Cimini guided his graduate students under two principles: first, that they should pursue one novel idea with significant impact as opposed to multiple smaller ideas and second, that the simplest answer is often the best answer.
“Having Dr. Cimini as a mentor was incredibly beneficial for my PhD journey.” said Li Li, an electrical and computer engineering Ph.D alumnus who was advised by Cimini and is now a machine learning engineer at Samsung. “His expert guidance was crucial in helping me navigate complex research challenges, particularly in the field of wireless communications. He encouraged innovative thinking and problem-solving, which was essential for my development as a researcher. Our weekly discussions were a highlight of my Ph.D. experience, providing regular opportunities for feedback and intellectual engagement that greatly enriched my learning process.”
Many students express this sentiment about Cimini, that he is a wonderful person to talk to as well as a wonderful person to learn from. A fitting sentiment since Cimini has built his success through developing meaningful relationships with others so that he can continue to do what he loves: working on a team that creates innovations greater than the sum of its parts. Cimini wisely advises those starting their careers to do what they love and see where it leads.
“I think the best thing is to figure out what it is you really like to do, and then try your best to do it,” Cimini said.
He certainly took his own advice — following his passion to Bell Labs and then discovering the groundbreaking application of OFDM that is still used every time someone makes a mobile call. The accomplishments didn’t stop there as Cimini continued to publish innovative research while at UD. Perhaps Cimini’s biggest success is his ability to inspire others with his kindness. Time will tell as his students graduate into the working world and carry on his legacy.
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