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Volunteering at UD

Do you have alumni helpers?

Development and Alumni Relations wants to recognize your volunteers

Volunteering comes in many forms and time commitments—from speaking to a class to mentoring a student to serving on a committee. Development and Alumni Relations (DAR) wants to recognize all alumni who lend their time and talents to the University of Delaware in some capacity, whether for an hour or a year.

If your department, college or unit offers any alumni volunteer opportunities like participating on a panel, speaking to a class or contributing in other ways, please let DAR know. We will provide you with a token of appreciation and a thank you card to sign and deliver to the volunteers.

Faculty and staff who notify DAR of alumni involvement by emailing volunteer@udel.edu will be entered into a $25 Amazon gift card drawing at the end of the fall and spring semesters.

For further information, please email volunteer@udel.edu.

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