UD’s Equitable Leadership Academy first cohort
Photo by Dean Davis June 03, 2024
15 leaders participated in UD’s inaugural Equitable Leadership Academy (ELA)
UD’s Office of Institutional Equity and Human Resources announced a professional development opportunity for campus leaders in fall 2023, focusing on equitable and inclusive leadership practices. Invitations were sent after a formal application process and committee review, and the first cohort of the Equitable Leadership Academy (ELA) came together on Feb. 21, 2024.
The cohort represented leaders from various colleges and departments across campus who worked together to develop their personal, interpersonal and organizational leadership skills. A variety of resources and assessments were used to support group discussions and assignments between meetings.
On May 1, 2024, participants heard from a group of senior leaders who shared a specific challenge they are currently facing. Smaller groups from the cohort will work with a senior leader and develop a proposal to help solve the challenge presented. Senior leaders will act as advisors and mentors to their specific group members and will consult with them regularly during the development of a capstone presentation to be shared publicly in October.
Designed and facilitated by Adam Foley, director of diversity education, assessment and outreach, and Kathy Corbitt, director of talent and organizational development, the ELA aims to provide a forum for faculty and staff to meet and share diverse perspectives, collaborate on equity-centered solutions and implement tangible actions that benefit the campus community.
The fall cohort application process is now closed, and cohort two will begin meeting on Sept. 11, 2024. The spring 2025 cohort application process will open on Monday, Sept. 23, 2024.
For further information, please visit: udel.edu/faculty-staff/human-resources/learn-and-grow/ela/
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