For the Record, Friday, July 12, 2024
July 12, 2024
University of Delaware community reports new presentations, appointments and publications
For the Record provides information about recent professional activities and honors of University of Delaware faculty, staff, students and alumni.
Recent presentations, appointments and publications include the following:
Faculty and staff from the University of Delaware’ s College of Engineering and College of Education and Human Development presented at the 2024 Annual Conference and Exposition of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). Organized under the theme of “The future of engineering education,” this year’s meeting took place in Portland, Oregon, from June 23–26, 2024. Read about the presentations on the College of Engineering website.
Adil Bentahar, associate professor at the English Language Institute, was the co-chair of the first ever Social Science Education Consortium conference in Morocco and in the MENA region as a whole. The conference brought together educators from over 20 countries with the goal of enhancing the teaching of history, geography, and civic and economic education within Morocco and the MENA region.
Heinz-Uwe Haus, professor of theatre, participated as invited speaker at the Ancient Greek Drama Seminar of Cyprus July 1-4 in Lefkosa, SEK-auditorium, with a presentation “From text to stage: event, attitude, gestus.” He also held at the four days a dramaturgical workshop “Enacting ‘Ödipus King.’” The workshop results were presented to the seminar participants and open to the public. Radio RIK 1 commented, “’The use value’ of this re-reading of our heritage and the training of tools of theatre-making is a most valuable practical result of the seminar.”
Jennifer Horney, professor and founding director of the epidemiology program in the College of Health Sciences, recently published research in the journal Scientometrics. “Gender and the h-index in Epidemiology” was co-authored by three graduate students in the epidemiology program: Adam Bitunguramye, Shazia Shaukat and Zackery White. The open-access article is the first-of-its-kind examination of gender and professional age bias in citation indices among epidemiology faculty.
Paige Morgan, head of digital initiatives and preservation and digital publishing and copyright librarian in Morris Library, contributed the foreword to the newly expanded 2nd edition of Digital Humanities in the Library, edited by Arianne Hartsell-Gundy, Laura R. Braunstein and Liorah Golomb. Her essay emphasized the field of digital scholarship as interdependent — relying on both researcher and staff expertise and experience.
Matt Kinservik, professor of English, serves on the subcommittee of Instruction in Postsecondary Education for the Southern Region Education Board’s (SREB) Commission on Artificial Intelligence in Education. The subcommittee has produced a landscape survey of AI initiatives in higher education in SREB member states and will be developing resource guides to aid colleges and universities in the following areas:
Development of AI pedagogy
Articulating AI-related learning goals for career success and democratic citizenship
Faculty upskilling and support
Curricular innovation and change
Research and innovation, in and for education
Ethical and social implications of AI
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