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The latest issue of UD Magazine explores artificial intelligence, the Blue Hen way
The latest issue of UD Magazine explores artificial intelligence, the Blue Hen way


Photo by Molly Chappell

A behind-the-scenes look at the latest AI-themed issue of UD Magazine

A curious thing happened to Diane Stopyra when she began reporting the latest issue of UD Magazine: her inbox kept chirping.

Time and again, experts she had interviewed about artificial intelligence would email her some variation of: “I’ve been thinking more about our conversation, and…”

It was the first time in Stopyra’s career—one that has included articles in The New York Times, Washington Post, and dearest to her heart, UD Magazine—that the veteran writer and editor fielded such engaged, thoughtful follow-up. 

It became a source of hope. In an age when machines can process information at an unprecedented scale and upend our very understanding of the world as we know it, Blue Hens were doing something radical: thinking for themselves.  

Their ensuing dialogue—good, bad, hopeful, promising, terrifying, exhilarating—can be found in the latest AI-themed issue of UD Magazine, now online and in mailboxes.

The package aims to dissect the greatest Catch-22 of the 21st century. 

“As a species hardwired for curiosity and critical thought, it would be almost anti-human to not dive headfirst into the AI pool,” Stopyra writes, “But if not managed correctly, AI threatens to erode the very characteristics that distinguish human nature.” 

So how do we proceed? As any institution of higher learning does: rooted in curiosity and critical thought, but guided by a shared commitment to science in service of society. 

In the eternal quest to enhance and advance humanity through the cultivation and dissemination of knowledge, Blue Hens continue to lead the way. 

The fall issue of UD Magazine provides a high-level overview of how they are doing so in the realm of AI, offering:   

  • an abridged history of the technology, along with a glossary of common AI terms; 

  • examples of AI at UD, from helping driverless cars “see” in real time to mapping the ocean floor; 

  • point-counterpoint arguments examining AI’s impact on democracy, sustainability and art; 

  • a reason to feel optimistic about the challenge of AI regulation (a rare area of bipartisan agreement and support); 

  • what science fiction can teach about modern day; 

  • a Q&A with the Blue Hen secretary-general of the UN’s International Telecommunication Union, and

  • a cover story examining what it means to be human in the digital era. 

Artificial intelligence is an area both uncharted and unfettered—unrestrained in potential, limitless in application.

But as Blue Hens harness its power and examine its purpose, UD Magazine suggests a new way of thinking about AI, one that is bold enough to look it in the eye and bright enough to put people first. 

Call it unfeathered. 

About UD Magazine

The University of Delaware Magazine (often referred to as The Messenger by longtime readers) is the University’s award-winning, flagship publication for alumni, current parents, donors, faculty and staff. It is mailed three times a year (spring, fall and winter) and also includes a smaller, Delaware-focused fourth edition. To update your address, change your name, or unsubscribe from the magazine, please visit https://www.udel.edu/alumni-friends/resources/update-your-information/. To submit a class note or letter to the editor, email magazine@udel.edu.   

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