For the Record, Friday, Aug. 2, 2024
Photo by Evan Krape August 02, 2024
University of Delaware community reports new awards and appointments
For the Record provides information about recent professional activities and honors of University of Delaware faculty, staff, students and alumni.
Recent awards and appointments include the following:
Kaylea Patterson, a cognitive science major with a pre-professional speech/language pathology specialization in UD’s College of Arts and Sciences, placed first in the Collegiate Public Speaking Division in the National Educators Rising Conference on July 1. Patterson is the first collegiate student from UD to participate in the national conference and the first from the state of Delaware to win in this division. UD’s College of Education and Human Development hosted the Delaware Educators Rising Conference in February, where Patterson also won the first place gold award in her division.
Mark Isaacs, associate professor and director of the UD Carvel Research and Education Center, was awarded the Secretary’s Award for Distinguished Service to Agriculture by the Delaware Department of Agriculture. During a July 25 Governor’s Day awards ceremony at the Delaware State Fair in Harrington, he was presented the award by Delaware Secretary of Agriculture Michael T. Scuse. Isaacs, who has been a major asset to Delaware as a farmer, researcher and educator joins a long list of Delawareans who have positively impacted agriculture. In addition to his responsibilities as the Carvel director, Isaacs is a favorite instructor and mentor among College of Agriculture and Natural Resources students.
The Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics has named Andrea Everard its new associate dean of graduate programs and Julia Bayuk its new associate dean for undergraduate programs.
Everard begins the associate dean of graduate programs position on August 1. In addition to her faculty position as professor in the Department of Accounting and MIS, Everard has considerable administrative experience in the Lerner College. Previously, she served as associate dean for undergraduate programs, and currently is the director of the master’s of science in business analytics and information management (BAIM) program. Under Everard’s leadership, the BAIM program has grown to be one of Lerner’s largest graduate programs.
Bayuk, who started as associate dean for undergraduate programs on July 1, is transitioning from her role as associate dean of curriculum, a position she has held since 2022. Bayuk, a professor of marketing in the Department of Business Administration, has been working with department chairs, program directors, and other deans across Lerner and UD to revise existing programs and develop new programs and collaborations, including the new bachelor of science in fintech degree program and minor in fintech.
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