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UD PCS online social media marketing courses provide broad and deep coverage of in-demand social media marketing skills.

UD PCS Social Media Marketing Courses

Graphic by Cindy Dolan

Start anytime to build the skills for content marketing success

According to HubSpot’s “2024 State of Marketing” report, the top three roles marketing leaders plan to hire in the coming year all focus on content marketing. The University of Delaware Division of Professional and Continuing Studies (UD PCS) Fundamentals of Social Media Marketing Certificate is a great place to start a transition to a new career in this in-demand field.

Content marketing involves strategically creating and distributing digital material that is relevant to the needs and interests of your target audience: Social media plays a key role in it. Diving deeply into the nuances of top social platforms for businesses like Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and LinkedIn allows content marketers to understand how to best:

  • Amplify content
  • Tailor content to each channel
  • Maintain brand visibility
  • Drive audience engagement
  • Build community around a brand
  • Run paid social advertising
  • Analyze metrics and adjust strategies

Nancy Dibert, the director of UD’s social media marketing program and the instructor for the course, has reached millions of people through innovative digital engagement strategies as the CEO of her full-service creative marketing and advertising agency. She recommends that aspiring content marketers build a robust social brand for themselves and a portfolio that showcases their creative talents.

“Content marketers must show they know how to ignite audience engagement and employ insightful metric analysis for adaptive strategy refinement," she said. "It’s always time to upskill if you want to excel as a content marketer in today’s dynamic digital marketing landscape.”

For detailed information on the upskilling options provided by UD PCS social media marketing self-paced programs, visit the PCS web page.

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