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Posing for a picture by the UD fountain on The Green is part of the UD Bucket List.
Posing for a picture by the UD fountain on The Green is part of the UD Bucket List.

New UD Bucket List

Photo by Jason Wang

Earn prizes by completing the UD Bucket List

Have you ever taken a photo with the University of Delaware mascot YouDee? Visited the Little Bob? Attended a Homecoming event?

Well, students, alumni and UD community members can check these and many more "to-do" items off the newly refreshed UD Bucket List. Make the most of your time on campus and show your pride for UD.

The UD Bucket List is a checklist of experiences that define what it means to be a part of the UD community. Created by the UD Student Alumni Ambassadors (UDSAA) in partnership with the Office of Development and Alumni Relations, the UD Bucket List is a way to share UD traditions, stay connected and build the common bond of being #BlueHensForever.

Whether it's taking a picture near the fountain or attending Alumni Weekend, items on the Bucket List provide a way to strengthen the UD spirit. UDSAA members, like Vice President of Outreach Wyatt Flicker, Arts and Sciences Class of ‘26, are eager to share their new project that has a condensed list of updated items, a completion form and prizes. "I'm excited to see Blue Hens completing the new UD Bucket List and using the experience to become more active members of the UD community," Flicker said.

Now, just in time for the 2023–24 academic year, students, faculty, staff and alumni can participate in a refreshed UD Bucket List to earn the title of Rising Blue Hen or Topflight Blue Hen and win prizes. There are 16 gold items for seniors and alumni and 20 blue items for others in the Blue Hen community to complete.

Submit one or more completed items using the UD Bucket List completion form. The deadline to submit items for prizes in Fall 2023 is Wednesday, Nov. 29.

Rising Blue Hens

  • Students who complete 12-17 blue items

  • Alumni and seniors who complete 7-10 gold items

Topflight Blue Hens

  • Students who complete 18-20 blue items

  • Alumni and seniors who complete 11-16 gold items

Faculty and staff are encouraged to complete either the blue or gold list.


Campus partners can also benefit from the UD Bucket List by marketing their experience as a UD Bucket List item. Contact Katie Moyer at ktmoyer@udel.edu for the new UD Bucket List logo and more information.  


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