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Vaccine shot delivered
The fall and winter holidays are just around the corner. Remember to get your flu shot and COVID-19 booster this season.

Flu shot and COVID-19 booster

Photo by Evan Krape

Get vaccinated ahead of fall and winter holidays

The fall and winter holidays are just around the corner. Remember to get your flu shot and COVID-19 booster this season.

Did you know that if you have the flu or COVID-19, you can be contagious before you even experience symptoms?

Flu season has started, and there are already laboratory-confirmed flu cases in Delaware. The flu vaccine and COVID-19 booster both help your body develop antibodies to fight off the virus. The flu vaccine cannot give you the flu, and the COVID-19 vaccine cannot give you COVID-19. Vaccines help strengthen your immune system by triggering your body to develop antibodies against viruses. It can take up to two weeks for your body to develop antibodies, so get your vaccines ahead of time.

Protect yourself so you can protect others during this holiday and travel season, and stay healthy if you’re staying on campus.

Student Health Services offers flu and COVID-19 vaccines for UD students at Laurel Hall by appointment only. For more information on available vaccines at SHS, as well as appointment scheduling, visit the student wellbeing webpage.

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