Symposium to honor the late James Newton
January 04, 2023
UD community invited to submit tribute videos
The University of Delaware's Department of Africana Studies and the Office of Institutional Equity will host a symposium celebrating the legacy of the late James Newton, an early leader of UD’s Black American Studies program and professor emeritus of Africana Studies. “Honoring James E. Newton: A Symposium on Arts and Activism” will be held Saturday, Feb. 18 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Audion on UD's Science, Technology and Advanced Research (STAR) Campus.
An award-winning artist, Newton was a prolific author, recipient of several teaching and mentoring awards, and a social justice activist. The symposium will feature panels on the far-reaching impact of his art and activism in Delaware and beyond.
The event will include a video tribute to Newton. To submit a video (maximum two minutes) or to schedule a time on Jan. 11 or Jan. 13 to be recorded on campus, please contact afra-info@udel.edu. The deadline for videos is Monday, Jan. 16.
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