Reporting UD Facilities Services
December 06, 2023
Guidelines for urgent and non-urgent issues
The University of Delaware’s Facilities, Real Estate, and Auxiliary Services (FREAS) group operates, maintains, protects, and preserves the University’s facilities. We’d like to provide a brief overview of our services and how to request them.
Non-urgent facilities issues can be reported via our online form or by simply emailing the pertinent information to fixit@udel.edu.
Urgent issues can be reported 24/7/365 by calling 302-831-1141. This number is answered and monitored around the clock by FREAS staff. If you are unsure if the problem is an emergency, err on the side of caution and call 302-831-1141. If our after-hours staff is monitoring this phone, the electronic menu will guide you to either ring the phone or leave a voicemail.
Some helpful hints: Please specify the location of the facilities issue. For building locations, if you don't know the room number, describe the vicinity with landmarks such as a main lobby or second-floor restroom. For exterior locations, let us know the area of campus, nearby buildings, and landmarks such as Harrington Beach, the east side of Memorial Hall, or Laird Turf Field.
Thank you for helping us do our part to ensure the success of our University by providing excellent facilities and related services.
For further information, please visit: http://web.facilities.udel.edu/MaximoFixit/
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