Computing-based solutions to real-world problems
Photos courtesy of Samantha Smith August 02, 2023
UD’s Data Science Institute and AI Center of Excellence hosted their first joint hackathon
The University of Delaware’s Data Science Institute (DSI) and AI Center of Excellence (AICoE) co-hosted the first joint DSI + AICoE Hackathon from July 17-19 2023 at the Ammon Pinizzotto Biopharmaceutical Innovation Center.
Hackathons are events where teams work intensively on collaborative projects to develop technology-based solutions that address a specific problem. The DSI + AICoE Hackathon was designed to connect members of the UD community with local industry partners to address a series of problem-based challenges around code, data, and applications. The event also provided students with the opportunity to foster their skills in data science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.
“Data science and artificial intelligence are inherently interdisciplinary and are becoming central to both industry and academia, and the resounding success of this DSI + AICoE Hackathon sets the foundation for deeper collaboration among local industry partners, and UD students and faculty, for years to come,” said DSI + AICoE Hackathon co-chairs Benjamin Bagozzi, associate professor of the Department of Political Science and International Relations in the College of Arts and Sciences, and Sunita Chandrasekaran, associate professor and David L. and Beverly J.C. Mills Career Development Chair of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences in the College of Engineering.
Around 70 attendees, including undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and faculty as well as industry partners FMC Corporation, Kendal Corporation, The Chemours Company and Community Health Options, participated in the three-day event.

The Hackathon featured 11 case studies covering a broad range of focus areas, from climate and hydrology to mental health and sociology. Attendees worked in teams alongside their case study’s project collaborators.
Sponsored by Tech Impact, Project Awards were given to the following teams, who will present their findings during a special session of the 2023 Data Science Symposium that will take place on Sept. 22 at STAR campus.
Technical Complexity: Kendal Transformers
Kurt Rahner, Jason Eldridge (industry team leads)
Mauricio Ferrato, Nikhil Rao, Claudio Cesar Claros Olivares (graduate students)
Impact: Medical Marauders
Mina Ostovari (adjunct faculty, DSI)
Andrew Kallai, Shaquana Smith, Shreya Pamulapati, Talha Mahmood (undergraduate students)
Problem statement execution: Chemours Innovators
Maria van Venrooy, Austin Plymill (industry team leads)
Hang Chen, Emma Cao, Lalith Teja Nagidi, Nihaal Chowdary Surpani (graduate students)
Creativity: Rain Makers
Siamak Malakpour Estalaki, Amir Meydani (team lead graduate students)
Yao Hu (faculty)
Alyssa Zhang (graduate student)
Christian Munley, Aman Singh (undergraduate student)
The event was sponsored by Tech Impact, Kendal Corporation, UD’s Graduate College and the Career Center, with promotional items provided by the Department of Computer and Information Sciences and MathWorks. Additional planning committee members include Lynette Carney, Pinar Kullu and Sam Smith.
To learn more about the DSI+AICoE Hackathon, please visit https://sites.udel.edu/ai/dsai-summer-hackathon-2023/
To register and/or propose a lighting talk for UD’s 2023 Data Science Symposium, please visit https://dsi.udel.edu/events/dsi-symposium-2023/
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