Stay safe on UD’s campus
Photo by Evan Krape August 23, 2023
Resources and services, like the UD Alert system, are available to keep students, faculty and staff informed and safe
Whether you are new to the University of Delaware, or returning for a new academic year, it is likely that at some point you will receive a UD Alert text message.
So … what is a UD Alert?
UD Alerts are one element in a broad system of communication that the University uses to help students, faculty and staff stay safe on and around campus. Other elements include a smartphone app, safety escorts, security cameras and more.
“Your safety is our highest priority,” said Patrick Ogden, associate vice president and chief of UD Police, which distributes UD Alerts. “Our police department is accredited at the national level and trained to assist, protect, and serve you.”
UD Alert is the primary means of communicating important information quickly. The alerts act as timely warnings delivered in an expedited manner, offering a succinct description of an incident, including the type of crime and the location, date, and time it occurred, among other key details.
The UD Alert system supports the University’s adherence to the Clery Act — federal legislation that requires institutions to share timely warnings that notify students, faculty, and staff when a specific crime has occurred and whether any related threat is determined to be serious and ongoing. Learn more about the UD Alert system, including how to register.
“When your phone buzzes with a UD Alert, it’s important that everyone in our community stops what they are doing to read and absorb the information that is being shared,” Ogden said. “When a UD Alert is sent, it’s because an incident occurred or there is a threat to the safety and welfare of our campus and community.”
September is National Campus Safety Awareness Month. In recognition, the following are tips and other helpful information about your safety at UD:
Contacting UD Police: Know how to contact UD Police. Dial 911 for all emergencies, whether on- or off-campus, or 302-831-UDPD for non-emergency situations. You also can visit UD Police at 413 Academy Street. Recently, UD installed an additional 10 safety blue lights across campus that connect directly with UD Police. (There are dozens on the Newark campus, as noted with the blue dots on this map.)
LiveSafe app: This free smartphone app is, in many ways, a supplement to the UD Alert system. It helps users prevent crime and assists users in responding to incidents, like road closures and other non-emergency situations. LiveSafe also provides a Safe Walk, with students asking friends or family to virtually escort them to their destination and providing real-time location alerts. Anyone can download and use the LiveSafe app, including visitors to UD’s campus.
Safety escort service: This free service is available to all students, faculty, and staff from UD property or contiguous street. The safety escort service is available on campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Arrange a pick-up by calling 302-831-RIDE; using one of the campus blue light phones; or by downloading and using the LiveSafe app.
Cameras on campus: UD has more than 1,100 public safety cameras on campus. An ongoing, multi-phased project will introduce several dozen more to the entrances and exits of campus residence halls, bringing UD’s total to nearly 300 in those spaces.
Access control hardware: The first part of a multi-phased project is complete, with the installation of access control hardware and surveillance cameras at the exterior doors of Brown Laboratory. Similar enhancements are planned at eight additional academic buildings on campus. These measures, including new card readers and electronic door locks, will provide for a safer campus.
Stay vigilant: Protect yourself and be aware of your surroundings. Avoid walking alone at night. Follow common sense safety precautions at all times. Keep the doors to your vehicle and residence locked. Be cognizant of who is entering the buildings; do not allow people you don’t know to “tailgate” into your residence hall. Register your bike with UD Parking Services. Report maintenance issues like broken locks or windows. If you see something, say something by contacting UD Police.
Cybersecurity: Be aware of phishing attempts, cybersecurity scams, and emails from suspicious addresses. Learn more about protecting yourself online from UD Information Technologies.
Safety education resources: UD Police offer educational programs and services annually to better serve the University community. These include an active shooter preparedness program; a rape aggression self-defense program; and more.
Other safety information: Contact UD Police if you believe you are a victim. There is a wealth of resources and services available to you through UD.
Campus resources: For many, studying at UD might represent your first time away from home or living on your own. There are countless resources here to support you on your path to success — from student counseling and diversity and inclusion, to overall student wellbeing.
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