Study abroad storytelling contest
Photos courtesy of Alyssa Bergstrom, Fiona Eramo, Joshua Nagy, Tim Smoot April 07, 2023
Students, faculty and alumni invited to help celebrate UD’s 100th anniversary of study abroad
Studying abroad is a multi-faceted experience: living in another country, engaging with diverse worldviews and immersing oneself in new cultural knowledge is nothing short of a life-changing experience. Any University of Delaware student or faculty member who has returned from a semester or session abroad is sure to agree that the impact of this kind of experience is significant in the manifestation of one’s character, perspective, and development as a global citizen in an incredibly interconnected world. In sum, studying abroad is an experience that is cathartic and transformative — and one that demands introspection and encourages eloquence and artistic creativity to acknowledge and describe.
To this end, the Center for Global Programs and Services (CGPS) has expanded its annual Study Abroad Photo and Video Contest to include a new essay category and a much broader audience than in past years. The 2023 Study Abroad Storytelling Contest invites anyone who has participated in a UD study abroad experience — including current UD students and alumni as well as current and former faculty who have led study abroad programs.
Spring 2023 marks the beginning of a year full of celebration at UD: 100 years ago, the University changed the world by launching the first study abroad program in the United States, paving the future of global education and cultural interconnectedness. A group of eight students, led by Professor Raymond W. Kirkbride, set sail to study in France in 1923, establishing a precedent for UD’s cultivation of global knowledge, citizenship, and spirit.
The 2023 Study Abroad Storytelling Contest aims to continue this tradition of intercultural education and engagement, by celebrating the rich history of UD’s transformative impact on the global stage. The contest embodies UD’s historical efforts to develop and curate study abroad participants’ narratives and experiences, to emphasize the significance of interacting with knowledge, cultures and peoples beyond the borders of one’s nationality.
Everyone who has participated in UD study abroad is eligible and encouraged to share their stories and experiences. The deadline for all essay, photo, and video submissions is Tuesday, May 2. Winners will be recognized and awarded prizes at the UD Global Festival on Wednesday, May 17. Additional information, including submission forms and guidelines, can be found at the 2023 Study Abroad Storytelling Contest website.
About the Center for Global Programs and Studies
The Center for Global Programs and Services (CGPS) at the University of Delaware is home to the operations of UD Global, which includes Study Abroad, International Student and Scholar Services, World Scholars Program and Global Outreach and Partnerships. The center is committed to providing leadership and innovation in support of the University's global initiative and campus internationalization efforts. Focused on a student-centered approach, CGPS provides expert advising and a wealth of global engagement opportunities to the UD campus community, including the weekly International Coffee Hour in the fall and spring semesters.
Follow and engage with @UDGlobal on Instagram and Twitter for the latest updates on everything global happening at UD.
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