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Ideas will "Spring" at Horn's eClub Pitch Party

Horn's eClub sponsors a party for those new to pitching an entrepreneurial idea

Horn Entrepreneurship and eClub will host the 2022 Spring Pitch Party. It will be a hybrid format with in-person for those registering as presenters. The larger audience of spectators will remain virtual. It all takes place on March 23, from 6 - 8 p.m.

The Pitch Party is an event hosted by Horn’s eClub each semester in which undergraduate students pitch a startup idea in 90 seconds for a new business, innovation or invention. We strongly encourage undergraduates who are new to pitching or who have a new idea to present to register as a presenter.

Three winning pitches will share the $1,500 prize pool; in addition, topical awards will be given.

Spectators joining on Zoom will have an added benefit of door prizes available the next day at the Venture Development Center. Spectators must register early to qualify.

The registration timeline:

  • Presenter’s registration deadline 3/21, by 11:59 p.m. (or 20 spots filled first)
  • Spectator registration to be doorprize eligible 3/22, by 11:59 p.m.
  • Last spectator registration opportunity 2/23, by 5:30 p.m.
  • Event held on 3/23, from 6 - 8 p.m.

Why is it called a party? It is fun and low key, and it's a premiere opportunity for students new to pitching or in the early stage of idea development to help refine their pitches with practice. Judges are alumni who have been in the pitchers’ shoes. The feedback they give will help improve the students’ ideas.

Follow the link for more information and a way to register https://horn.udel.edu/spring-2022-pitch-party-info.

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