DENIN now accepting applications for summer internship program
March 04, 2022
Accepting applications until March 18
The Delaware Environmental Institute (DENIN) is now accepting applications for its undergraduate Project WiCCED summer research internships.
Project WiCCED is funded through the National Science Foundation's Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR). Since 2004, Delaware EPSCoR has funded more than 500 undergraduate research internships at the University of Delaware, Delaware State University, Wesley College and Delaware Technical Community College.
Students can review specific project opportunities on the EPSCoR project site.
Opportunities are available in person, virtually or in a hybrid format depending on the nature of activities involved. In addition to completing an independent research project, interns participate in skill-building seminars on topics such as reasons to attend graduate school, research ethics and making a research poster. Scholars will present their work at the University of Delaware’s annual end of the year undergraduate research symposium, held in August. Interns also receive a stipend of $4,500.
Rising sophomores, juniors and seniors with an interest in climate, sea level rise, water quality, land use, soil contamination and remediation, environmental sensing and monitoring, economics, ethics or environmental policy are eligible to participate. DENIN highly encourages individuals historically under-represented in STEM, including race/ethnicity, gender identity, socio-economic, status, veterans or first generation college, to apply.
For questions or to apply please contact Dr. Yolanda Williams-Bey at yolanda@udel.edu. Students who wish to apply should include in their email a cover letter, resume and unofficial transcript no later than 5 p.m., March 18, 2022.
For further information, please visit: https://projectwicced.org/opportunities/
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