Update on COVID-19 protocols, effective June 6, 2022
Photo by Evan Krape June 03, 2022
A message to the UD community
Dear UD Community,
As we begin the summer season on campus, we continue to take a thoughtful approach to maximize the safety, health and wellbeing of our campus community with informed expertise. While some COVID-19 mitigation measures will continue, there will also be some changes that will be implemented at the University of Delaware beginning Monday, June 6, 2022. Please see below for more information.
UD will continue the following COVID mitigation protocols:
- Face mask requirements remain in place for all indoor spaces in accordance with CDC guidancepertaining to the local Delaware community.
- All UD students are required to have up-to-date COVID-19 vaccinations (primary series plus one booster). All UD faculty and staff are encouraged to do so as well.
- Antigen test kits will continue to be available on campus.
- Symptomatic testing remains available to all students at UD Student Health Services.
- Free Curative COVID-19 PCR testing sites are available in the community and on campus, as well as pharmacy COVID PCR testing sites (Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid). We encourage all students to take advantage of these resources to manage their health.
Other protocols will be modified, beginning June 6, 2022:
- Weekly COVID-19 testing will no longer be required for individuals who are not up-to-date with vaccination.
- Students who test positive for COVID-19 will no longer be required to upload their test results on the Student Health Services website.
- The required duration for COVID-19 isolation and quarantine will be five days, in accordance with guidance from the Centers for Diseases Control (CDC) and the Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH). For individuals who test positive or who are exposed to someone with COVID-19, please follow the CDC/DPH guidelines (five days of isolation/quarantine plus five additional days of strict masking).
- UD’s Employee COVID-19 Leave Policy has been extended through December 31, 2022. Eligible employees must upload supporting documentation via secure upload on the Human Resources website. Please note that this link will take you directly to the Human Resources website for submission, rather than the UD Health Portal, which will no longer be used for this purpose. Alternatively, employees may send an email to leavemanagement@udel.edu indicating COVID Leave documentation.
- Please also note that with the conclusion of the academic year, the University is no longer requiring the UD Daily Health Check, and the daily email reminders are no longer being sent. This measure became effective May 28, 2022.
As always, thank you for your continued cooperation and support for the health and safety of our UD community.
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