New Information for Winter Session, Effective Jan. 10
Photo by Evan Krape January 06, 2022
Updated guidance for the UD community
To the UD Community:
While the University of Delaware is continuing to evaluate and escalate measures to mitigate coronavirus spread as the surge of the Omicron variant continues across the nation, we also strive to provide the best possible student experience. Accordingly, for this Winter Session, please be advised of the following updated guidance effective Monday, Jan. 10, 2022:
Resumption of In-Person Learning: Winter Session classes in progress that were temporarily moved online for the first week will transfer to in-person format Jan. 10. All students are advised to check with their instructors with any questions pertaining to class meeting locations and other details.
Because it is difficult to predict the trajectory that Winter Session classes might take, the deadline to add a class will remain Jan. 6, but the free drop date will be moved to Jan. 28. This means that Jan. 28 is the last day to drop a class with a full tuition refund, no grade, and no “W” recorded on the transcript. Jan. 28 is also the deadline for making a registration change to pass/fail or audit. Students will still be responsible for meal plans and other fees.
Isolation Period Reduction: Beginning Jan. 10, those who test positive for COVID-19 will now be required to isolate for 7 days instead of 10 days.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has shortened its recommended isolation and quarantine period for the general public to 5 days if asymptomatic, followed by 5 additional days of strict masking inside and outside of the home. After careful assessment of UD congregate activity, University leaders and health experts determined that 7 days of isolation is the most appropriate protocol for our community. This measure will enable the safety of our campus, along with responsible and healthy resumption of academic and operational continuity.
Recent data from the U.S. and U.K. demonstrate safely discontinuing isolation after 7 days, if asymptomatic, is effective for minimizing coronavirus spread. If your symptoms have not improved, you must continue isolation for up to 10 days.
Specific guidelines apply to students living on campus. COVID-positive students and those who need to quarantine due to an exposure are encouraged to return to their homes to isolate or quarantine as their situations dictate; those who need to remain on campus will be assigned an appropriate isolation or quarantine space where they will remain for 7 days. More information regarding living/isolation protocols for all students can be found here.
Students, faculty or staff who test positive for COVID-19:
You must isolate for a minimum of 7 full days. The day of symptoms onset or a positive test is Day Zero. On the morning of your 8th day, if you have not had a fever for 24 hours and your other symptoms have improved, you may end your isolation. If your symptoms have not improved, you must continue isolation for up to 10 days.
You must be asymptomatic before resuming routine activity and accessing UD facilities. Continue to wear a well-fitted face mask at all times.
Anyone who is known to have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19:
Vaccinated and Boosted |
No quarantine necessary; continue to properly wear a well-fitted face mask around others and monitor for symptoms for 5 days. It is recommended that you get tested after exposure. |
Vaccinated but not yet Eligible for Booster |
No quarantine necessary; continue to properly wear a well-fitted face mask around others and monitor for symptoms for 5 days. It is recommended that you get tested after exposure or when any symptoms develop. |
Vaccinated, Eligible for Booster, Not Yet Boosted |
You must quarantine for 5 full days and monitor for symptoms. Get tested after exposure, or when any symptoms develop. Continue to properly wear a well-fitted face mask at all times. |
Not Vaccinated with Exemption |
You must quarantine for 5 full days and monitor for symptoms. Get tested after exposure, or when any symptoms develop. Continue to properly wear a well-fitted face mask at all times. |
Protect the Flock: Boost, Mask, Test
Get boosted! If members of the UD community have not already done so, please get the COVID-19 vaccine booster, as soon as eligible, and upload it to the UD Health Portal. This is a critical step to help improve your protection against COVID-19 and avoid serious illness or hospitalization, and it is a requirement for all eligible students, as of Jan. 24, 2022. Several booster clinics are available for scheduling and access; booster shots are also readily available at many area pharmacies. Answers to frequently asked questions about boosters are available on UD’s coronavirus website.
Given the high transmissibility of the Omicron coronavirus variant, UD requires a well-fitted mask worn properly, with specific recommendation of a surgical mask or KN95 mask in accordance with mask instructions. Mask-wearing is mandatory for everyone in indoor spaces, including laboratories and classrooms. Effective immediately and until further notice, masks must be worn by any individual speaking from a podium in classroom settings, a significant change over our prior classroom masking requirement. In residence halls, mask-wearing is mandatory in all spaces except individual rooms.
Finally, anyone who receives positive COVID-19 test results at a non-UD testing site is required to upload their results to the UD Health Portal. This step is essential in monitoring and managing the health and safety of the UD community.
We cannot emphasize enough the importance of community cooperation and compliance. We share the common goal of returning to our in-person, normal campus rhythm as soon as possible. Please do your part to keep our campus safe and healthy to make this happen. We are all in this together.
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