Federal government reopens COVID-19 home testing program
December 15, 2022
Testing recommended before and after holiday travel
The U.S. government has reopened its home testing program for COVID-19.
Every U.S. household is eligible to order four free at-home tests online. These rapid antigen (not PCR) tests can be taken anywhere, with results within 30 minutes. More details, including frequently asked questions, are available on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website.
Members of the UD community are encouraged to use a rapid antigen test prior to leaving campus for winter break and prior to returning in the new year.
In addition to the federal program, both Walgreens and Rite Aid stores near the campus offer asymptomatic testing, and Student Health Services offers symptomatic testing for students. Rapid antigen test kits are also available for pick up for students, staff, and faculty at the Trabant University Center, the Perkins Student Center, the Carpenter Sports Building, Laurel Hall and Clayton. To request an at home kit from one of these sites, please visit https://www.udel.edu/home/coronavirus/testing/.
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