Update: Fall 2022 COVID-19 Guidelines
Photo by Evan Krape August 12, 2022
A message to the University of Delaware community
As we all prepare for the start of the 2022-23 academic year later this month, the University of Delaware continues to take the necessary steps to help protect the health and safety of everyone in our community. While campus measures implemented throughout the COVID-19 pandemic have enabled the UD community’s return to a more normal rhythm, the virus still has the potential to disrupt our campus experience, especially as more transmissible variants emerge. We must remain vigilant as our society learns to live with COVID-19.
To this end, the University has established several protocols for the fall semester. More detailed information follows this summary:
See below for specific information about these health and safety measures, which may be adjusted based on case rates on campus and in our community. Changes to these protocols will be communicated through the LiveSafe app, University emails and udel.edu/coronavirus.
- All students are required to have up-to-date COVID-19 vaccinations (primary series plus one booster, when eligible) or request an exemption. All UD faculty and staff are highly encouraged to do so, as well.
- Students who have an approved exemption from 2021-22 do not have to submit a new request for 2022-23.
- Individuals who are immunocompromised should consult their healthcare provider for additional booster recommendations.
- Submit COVID-19 vaccine documentation through the UD Health Portal.
- UD will host a COVID-19 vaccine/booster clinic on campus on Friday, Sept. 9, in Pencader Dining Hall. Those interested can register here.
- COVID-19 vaccines/boosters are also available at many community and pharmacy sites. Register here for an appointment.
- Individuals, especially students living on campus, are strongly encouraged to obtain a COVID-19 test 24 hours prior to their arrival on campus for the fall semester. If you test positive, you must isolate for five days before coming to campus.
- Beginning Monday, Aug. 29, PCR testing will be available through Curative from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays on the North Green. Appointments are strongly encouraged, and registration information will be made available before Aug. 29.
- Weekly COVID-19 testing is no longer required for students who have an approved exemption to the vaccine requirement.
- At-home antigen test kits will continue to be available on campus. Also, students can obtain at-home tests from COVID.gov before arriving on campus, as the tests cannot be delivered to campus housing units.
- Symptomatic testing is available to students through Student Health Services. Appointments are required and can be made by calling 302-831-2226.
- Numerous community and pharmacy COVID-19 testing sites remain available, as well.
- Students who test positive for COVID-19 at any point during the semester should upload their test results to the UD Health Portal and follow the isolation guidelines below.
- Employees who test positive and need to isolate should follow UD’s Employee COVID-19 Leave Policy and submit documentation to Human Resources via the HR portal.
- In accordance with guidance from the CDC and Delaware Division of Public Health, individuals who test positive for COVID-19 are required to isolate for five full days, plus wear a mask for five additional days. Use the CDC’s Isolation Calendar Calculator for assistance.
- Students who need to isolate should communicate with their professors regarding academic work.
- Students in the residence halls will be expected to isolate at their home residence. If going home is not an option for you, please contact your Resident Advisor to explore whether on-campus isolation housing is available.
- Individuals who are exposed to someone with COVID-19 no longer need to quarantine, based on new CDC guidance. All individuals with a COVID-19 exposure, regardless of vaccination status, must wear a mask for 10 days, get tested five days after their exposure, and monitor for symptoms for 10 days.
- High-quality masks are effective in reducing the spread of the COVID-19 virus through airborne droplets, especially indoors. Because students live and socialize in close quarters on a university campus, masks can be a particularly useful tool in the fight against COVID-19.
- Currently, with reduced density on the UD campus, masks are encouraged but not required in most indoor settings. Masks continued to be required in UD healthcare settings and clinical areas, COVID-19 testing locations and the Children’s Campus. Some individuals may wish to wear a mask to protect themselves and others around them.
- As the fall semester approaches and more people arrive on campus, the University will closely monitor conditions and pivot as needed based on CDC guidelines and other factors such as fluctuations in campus density and so forth.
- Also, masks are required for people who are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms, have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 10 days or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19.
- KN95 and surgical masks are available on campus.
- If you have any questions, please visit udel.edu/coronavirus for the most up-to-date information or email coronavirus@udel.edu.
As always, individuals are reminded to wash or sanitize their hands frequently, stay home if they are sick, and follow appropriate guidelines for isolation and/or quarantine. By taking these actions and working together, we can ensure a safe and enjoyable academic year at the University of Delaware.
Thank you.
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