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Moving into a residence hall for the first year of college can be stressful for new students and their families. UD’s returning students, faculty and staff volunteers have helped allay those concerns and carried luggage in the past. Blue Hen Helpers are needed again this year.
Moving into a residence hall for the first year of college can be stressful for new students and their families. UD’s returning students, faculty and staff volunteers have helped allay those concerns and carried luggage in the past. Blue Hen Helpers are needed again this year.

Blue Hen Helpers needed for move-in

Photo by Evan Krape

Students, faculty and staff volunteers needed for University tradition of helping new students move into residence halls

There’s no second chance to make a first impression, and on Saturday, Aug. 27, volunteer teams of University of Delaware faculty, staff, students and community members will help first-year students move into residence halls as a part of the Blue Hen Helpers (BHH) program. The program is seeking volunteers.

Move-in day can be a hectic and emotional day for first-year students and their families. The BHH volunteers embody University values of community and service by assisting with moving luggage into residence hall rooms, supporting cart sign outs and answering general questions about the University.

"Many students have dreamed of going off to college for years, and move-in day is when their vision becomes a reality,” said James Tweedy, executive director of the Department of Residence Life and Housing. “It’s the beginning of a new chapter for students and their families and it makes a lasting impact when the UD community gathers to support this transition. It is an excellent metaphor for how we want them to feel as a Blue Hen.”

Danielle Marenco, assistant director of housing operations in Residence Life and Housing, said new students and volunteers benefit from the experience.

“Volunteers tend to really enjoy a sense of connection and service after being a part of the program and students living on campus who participate get to move in early on Wednesday night and have their early check-in fees waived, which could be up to a $200 savings,” Marenco said. “Most of all, it’s a fun day to be on campus helping out.” 

New student move-in day is on Saturday, Aug. 27. Helpers can volunteer for three and a half hour shifts between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Volunteers can indicate their availability, preferred location and group affiliation (if applicable). Please visit the signup form to select a shift.

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