Fall 2021 UpDate for Nov. 10
November 10, 2021
Information on deadline extension of vaccine mandate for employees, upcoming vaccination clinic and more
Visit www.udel.edu/coronavirus to keep informed about the latest updates and guidelines. This comprehensive site highlights the latest information about UD’s response, as well as frequently asked questions and a data dashboard on current campus statistics. Have a specific question? Check the FAQs, which are updated regularly as questions come in to coronavirus@udel.edu.
Deadline extended on vaccine mandate for employees: The deadline for UD employees to be vaccinated or have an approved exemption for medical or religious reasons has been extended to Jan. 4, 2022, in keeping with the Nov. 4 announcement by the Biden administration on the requirement for federal contractors. If you have not yet been vaccinated, there are opportunities throughout the state, including an event on campus on Nov. 19. For details and to sign up for the campus event, see the item below. For more information about the vaccine mandate, including FAQs, visit the Working at UD site.
Vaccination clinic set Nov. 19: A COVID-19 vaccination clinic for faculty, staff and students will be held from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Friday, Nov. 19, in Room 106 of Pencader Dining Hall. There is a limited amount of vaccine, so early sign-up is recommended. The event is open to unvaccinated individuals, those seeking a second dose from the Oct. 29 vaccine clinic and individuals seeking a booster shot for Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. (Individuals who work in the field of higher education are considered eligible to receive booster shots.) Register for the appropriate vaccine using the links below:
In addition, flu shots will be available at the Nov. 19 clinic. Sign up here for a flu shot if you are not scheduled for a vaccine appointment. If you are registered for a vaccine, you will automatically be entitled to a flu shot if you would like one.In order to receive a flu shot, you must bring your insurance card.
Research town halls: The next virtual research town hall will be held Monday, Nov. 15, from 1–2 p.m. Cathy Wu, founding director of UD’s Data Science Institute, will join the town hall to share information about the institute’s work. Please register to attend. Contact UDResearch@udel.edu with your research-related questions.
Safety guidelines for holiday travel: With less than two weeks until the fall break for Thanksgiving, limiting non-essential, in-person interactions should begin now to reduce the risk of contracting COVID before travel. Asymptomatic testing remains widely available on campus through Monday, Nov. 22 to ensure you have remained COVID negative. Students with any symptom of illness should call Student Health at 302-831-2226 to make an appointment for symptomatic testing. Appointments can also be made now for the flu vaccine, which is another great way to protect your loved ones this season.
Deadline extended: The deadline to withdraw from a class or change registration without academic penalty for the Fall 2021 semester has been extended to Nov. 16. At the October Faculty Senate meeting, Senate members voted to support a policy change extending the amount of time a student can make a course registration change without academic penalty. The revised fall 2021 deadline and future semester deadlines are available in the academic calendar.
Don’t forget to check in: All members of the UD community who are on campus must complete the daily health screening at covidcheck.udel.edu. Several University facilities are reviewing the Daily Health Check to affirm your status to be on campus safely, including at all dining halls, the Little Bob, the Morris Library and the museums. In addition, all faculty have been given the option of checking compliance in classrooms. Learn more about the Daily Health Check in this short videoprepared by Student Life.
Compliance reminder: All UD employees and students are expected to comply with UD’s COVID-19 guidelines. Failure to do so may result in corrective action. Employees with concerns about compliance guidelines should consult with Human Resources. Students with such concerns should check with the Office of Student Conduct or the Office of the Dean of Students.
Wear your mask: In keeping with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, masks are required in all University indoor facilities, with limited exceptions, whether individuals are vaccinated or not. In classrooms and indoor campus spaces, mask use and physical distancing continue to be highly effective at slowing the spread of the coronavirus. To maximize health and safety, everyone should put on their masks before entering a building.
Testing positive or coming into contact with someone who has: Guidelines on what to do if you test positive for COVID-19 or if you come into close contact with someone who has tested positive are detailed in the COVID-19 Testing section of the Frequently Asked Questions on UD’s Coronavirus website. Students are reminded to check the Student Health Services website for additional information.
Testing opportunities: Members of the University community have multiple testing opportunities available to them on the Newark campus each week: two every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, three every Tuesday and one each Friday. For specifics on campus surveillance testing and community testing, visit UD’s coronavirus site.
Support available: The Employee Assistance Program is now provided through ComPsych GuidanceResources. This is a free program available for State of Delaware Group Health Plan non-Medicare members and their dependents. As part of ComPsych’s commitment, EAP services are available through the end of the national COVID-19 public health emergency to all state of Delaware employees, including temporary, casual, seasonal and benefit eligible employees who are not currently enrolled in a state of Delaware Highmark Delaware or Aetna health plan. In addition, Employee Health and Wellbeing has a variety of resources available to assist employees.
Questions? Send an email to coronavirus@udel.edu.
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