For the Record
May 28, 2021
University community reports presentations, honors
For the Record provides information about recent professional activities and honors of University of Delaware faculty, staff, students and alumni.
Recent presentations and honors include the following:
Trevor A. Dawes, vice provost for libraries and museums and May Morris University Librarian, was the invited keynote speaker at the OhioLINK Summit 2021 on May 27. OhioLINK is the consortium of academic libraries in that state. Dawes’ presentation, “Valuing Diversity in Our Libraries: Are we There?” examined how academic libraries have addressed efforts of equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice and how they are living up to those ideals.
Estella Atekwana, dean of the College of Earth, Ocean and Environment, has received the Reginald Fessenden Award from the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG). Atekwana is only the third woman, and first African-American woman, to receive this award in 60 years. The award is given to those who make specific technical contributions to exploration geophysics, such as an invention or a theoretical or conceptual advancement which merits special recognition. Founded in 1930, the SEG Geophysicists is a global not-for-profit organization with a mission of connecting the world of applied geophysics. Originally titled the SEG Medal Award, the honor was changed to the Reginald Fessenden Award in 1977 to recognize Reginald Fessenden, who developed a sonic sounder to find icebergs and whose work helped propel the usage of marine reflection seismology.
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