Spring 2021 update for March 3
March 03, 2021
Information on the importance of following rules, measures to slow the spread and specifics on testing
Stay informed about recent decisions and plans by visiting www.udel.edu/return. Have a specific question? Check the FAQs, which are updated regularly as questions come in to coronavirus@udel.edu. Personal responsibility: Thank you to everyone following the guidelines that will help keep us all safe so that we can have the spring experience on campus that everyone wants. As a reminder, it is imperative that all members of the UD community take responsibility for the health and safety of themselves and others by following the rules and consistently practicing the behaviors that are known to be effective in combating the spread of COVID-19:
Measures in place to slow the spread: On Feb. 24, UD announced several measures in response to a recent spike in COVID-19 cases in the campus community.
On-campus testing: Students living on campus are reminded that they are required to be tested every week. On-campus students receive a weekly email from “RLH COVID Testing,” where they can access a link to make reservations at the UD testing sites in Harker ISE Lab or Clayton Hall. Testing is by appointment only. No walk-ups will be permitted. On a random basis, Student Health Services is selecting and requiring off-campus students to test at UD testing centers (Harker ISE Lab or Clayton Hall). Students will be notified by email on how to schedule their test and must participate. Off-campus students who are not feeling well should contact Student Health Services to obtain a test. Additionally, on a random basis, the Human Resources Office is selecting staff to test at the UD testing Centers, and they also are notified by email. Anyone selected for on-campus testing must schedule an appointment as no walk-ups are permitted. Robust community testing available both on campus and locally: Free community-based testing is available through the state of Delaware, including sites on the Newark campus. The state of Delaware will have a site at Lot #6 on the Laird Campus from 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Friday, March 5. Registration is encouraged at this link. New Castle County will hold a drive-through testing event on the STAR Campus from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Saturday, March 6, and an additional testing day has been added from 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Sunday, March 7. Walk-ups are also accepted at these events. Registration is encouraged at this link. Next week, an additional walk-up testing site will be available in the Hollingsworth parking lot, located on North College and Cleveland avenues, from 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Tuesday, March 9. In addition, testing is regularly available within walking distance of campus at the Hudson Service Center, 501 Ogletown Rd., Newark, from 8:30 a.m.-noon, Monday through Friday. The Walgreens in the Four Seasons Plaza, south of Newark on Route 896, also offers testing 9 a.m.-5 p.m., daily. Information about a variety of upcoming “pop-up” testing events in the area is available at this website. A full list of COVID-19 testing locations can be viewed at de.gov/gettested. Faculty and staff who are tested at a non-UD site should upload the results to the UD Health Portal. Spring 2021 Student Guidelines: All students are reminded to review the Spring 2021 Student Guidelines; all UD students are being held accountable to these guidelines regardless of their vaccination status. Student study spaces: Students who need a space on campus to study or take an online class have many options. UD Student Centers, the Library and some classrooms are available either by reserving a space online or by dropping in. As a reminder, masks must be worn and physical distancing guidelines followed when using campus facilities. The Student Centers have spaces available either by reserving space via their website or using available common spaces. Common spaces in Perkins Student Center are the Scrounge, East Lounge, West Lounge, lower-level seating, concourse seating, third-floor conference table. Common spaces in Trabant are Daugherty Hall, Trabant Lounge, second-floor seating, the food court and lower-level seating. For a space in the Morris Library, use the Reserve a Seat form. Some registrar-controlled classroom spaces are now available on a first come, first served basis.
Instructional protocols for academic units: Faculty and instructional staff are strongly encouraged to review the updated instructional protocols for spring 2021 located on the Provost’s webpage for Academic Continuity. Protocols were last updated on Feb. 22 to include information on eating and drinking in class, room disinfection, classroom seating, music instruction and study spaces. Vaccination planning: All members of the University community are encouraged to get the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as it is available to them. Information about where and how to get vaccinated in Delaware is available at de.gov/coronavirus. Those living outside of Delaware can get vaccine information from their state or local public health agency. More information about vaccines will be communicated as it becomes available. Those who are vaccinated must still adhere to the University’s health guidelines and testing requirements. Limits on private gatherings: The city of Newark continues to limit gatherings at private residences to 10 people indoors and 20 people outdoors. Large, unmasked and unsafe off-campus gatherings are one of the greatest threats to continuing in-person classes and other activities this spring. Students who violate these limits are subject to referral to the Office of Student Conduct and may face suspension from the University. Research Town Hall, March 22: The next research town hall, led by Charlie Riordan, vice president for research, scholarship and innovation, will be held from 2-3 p.m. on Monday, March 22. Register online. The town halls are recorded and archived on this webpage. For more information, contact UDResearch@udel.edu. Spring 2021 grading: The standard grading regulations apply for the spring 2021 semester. Student transcripts will reflect the actual letter grade earned in each class during the spring 2021 semester. While the modified pass/no credit grading option is not available for spring 2021, a list of registration change options is available in the Spring 2021 Academic Regulations. The last day to change registration or to withdraw from courses without academic penalty for spring 2021 is extended to Monday, May 3. Students are encouraged to talk to their adviser should they have questions. For those needing assistance: Wellbeing services and support are available. The Center for Counseling and Student Development is open and available remotely, and 24/7 mental health support remains available on the UD Helpline at 302-831-1001 for any student in need of someone to talk to. Medical advice is also available to all students 24/7 through Aetna at 800-681-3957. Additionally, resources are available concerning substance use and recovery assistance due to experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic. Those individuals experiencing any concerns should feel free to contact the UD Collegiate Recovery Community (CRC). The Employee Assistance Program is now provided through ComPsych GuidanceResources. This is a free program available exclusively for State of Delaware Group Health Plan non-Medicare members and their dependents. Those not eligible to enroll in the Group Health Plan will have access through March 2021. EAP can help with a wide variety of work and life issues. In addition, Employee Health and Wellbeing has a variety of resources available to assist employees. Questions? Send an email to coronavirus@udel.edu. |
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