National Latinx and Hispanic Heritage Month
Photos by Evan Krape and courtesy of Ana Navarro September 21, 2020
UD hosts events, special activities to honor U.S.’s Hispanic and Latino heritage
National Latinx Heritage Month, known by many as Hispanic Heritage Month, is celebrated from Sept. 15 through Oct. 15 to honor the rich and varied contributions that Hispanic and Latino Americans have made to U.S. art, culture, and society. Throughout the next several weeks, the University of Delaware will host virtual events, speakers and activities to celebrate the critical influence of these communities and individuals.
“Latinx Heritage Month provides us an important opportunity to reflect on our history, the present moment and the future we would like to see going forward,” said Lucy Delgado, program coordinator for student diversity and inclusion in the Division of Student Life. “The Latinx community has a strong history of activism that empowers current generations to fight for issues around immigration, voting, social justice, anti-Blackness within community, and labor rights. La lucha continua — the fight continues in the ongoing march towards progress and greater equity for the Latinx community and its intersections to this day.”

The national celebration starts in the middle of the month rather than the beginning because it coincides with national independence days in several Latin American countries: Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica celebrate theirs on Sept. 15, followed by Mexico on Sept. 16, Chile on Sept. 18 and Belize on Sept 21.
While traditionally the commemoration has been called “Hispanic Heritage Month,” the term “Latinx” has been adopted in recent years by many to represent the identities of non-binary, gender non-conforming and gender-expansive people and include indigenous, Brazilian and other non-Spanish speaking people in the celebration.
In addition to the events listed below, the Division of Student Life will be providing additional offerings and information including book giveaways. Learn more on the web at https://sites.udel.edu/studentlife/virtual-diversity/ and on Instagram at @udstudentdiversity.
Monday, Sept. 21, 7 p.m. — AfroLatinidad en la Cultura. Information and engagement session about the African influence in culture, dance, language, and food of Latin America, with a concentration on the Caribbean.
Hosted by Lambda Sigma Upsilon.
Zoom ID: 252 119 5128
Wednesday, Sept. 23, 5 p.m. — Resources and Scholarships for Latinx Students. This general meeting will focus on resources and scholarships for our UD community and what it means to be a Latinx student on campus.
Hosted by HOLA, the Hispanic/Latinx Student Association.
Registration: bit.ly/holameeting
Friday, Sept. 25, 7 p.m. — Curltalk with a Twist. Information on how to take care of physical self, skin, hair and peace of mind, while also de-stigmatizing the idea behind self-care only being a feminine characteristic.
Hosted by Lambda Theta Alpha.
Zoom ID: 517 035 6609
Friday, Sept. 25, 7:30 p.m. — Game Night. Join Campus Alliance de la Raza for a game night to get to know us, build community and have fun together!
Hosted by Campus Alliance de la Raza.
Zoom ID: 955 0597 8735
Monday, Sept. 28, 6 p.m. — Recognizing Toxic Behaviors. Learn about unhealthy vs. healthy relationships, generational curses, awareness of toxic relationships and work environments, and additional resources.
Hosted by Lambda Pi Chi.
Zoom ID: 939 5935 4440 / Password: behavior
Thursday, Oct. 1, 7 p.m. — A Special Conversation with Ana Navarro, political strategist and commentator. Ms. Navarro will discuss her life journey and career as a political strategist, human rights advocate, and TV commentator on The View, CNN and Telemundo.
Hosted by the Biden Institute and the Division of Student Life.
To register for the Zoom Event, please visit this website.
Thursday, Oct. 1, 8 p.m. — Zumba con Nosotros. An online Zumba class with a Latinx twist!
Hosted by HOLA
Zoom ID: 962 2991 9634
Wednesday, Oct. 7, 7 p.m. — Telenovelas. During this general meeting, we will discuss iconic telenovelas in the Latinx community that have shaped our childhood and what they meant to us.
Hosted by HOLA.
Register at bit.ly/holameeting
Ongoing — Cussies for the Culture. The Xi chapter of Chi Upsilon Sigma National Latin Sorority, will provide informational content and celebrate the contributions of Latinx communities on its Instagram channel; follow along at @cus_xi.
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