Fall 2020 update for Nov. 18
November 18, 2020
News about testing before Thanksgiving travel, new statewide restrictions, research updates and more
Stay informed about recent decisions and plans by visiting www.udel.edu/return. Have a specific question? Check the FAQs, which are updated regularly as questions come in to coronavirus@udel.edu. Students advised to get COVID-19 test before Thanksgiving travel: UD students currently residing on campus, taking face-to-face classes or using on-campus facilities are expected to take a COVID-19 test before traveling for Thanksgiving break. Students living off-campus are also strongly encouraged to do so. Options for testing and additional recommendations are listed in a Nov. 16 letter to students by Dr. Tim Dowling, director of Student Health Services. New statewide COVID-19 restrictions: Delaware Gov. John Carney announced additional safeguards to be implemented statewide. Beginning Monday, Nov. 23, indoor gatherings are capped at 10 people; this order supersedes the Newark City ordinance that limits indoor gatherings to 12 individuals. In addition, restaurants must operate at no more than 30% capacity indoors. Research updates; prospective graduate student visitation to research labs; Nov. 30 town hall: The UD research community is reminded to please continue to be vigilant with health and safety protocols — wear a face mask, stay at least 6 feet apart from others, and wash your hands frequently. Prospective graduate students may now visit UD campus research facilities indoors, following this approval process. The faculty member who will serve as host during the visit should complete a PI return to campus request form for each prospective graduate student. After approval and prior to visiting campus, each student guest must complete the UD COVID-19 specific training, pass the daily health screen before coming to campus (and be prepared to show the green check upon request), wear a cloth face covering, physically distance and use good handwashing hygiene. As part of the University's cost-mitigation efforts, personnel in the Research Office, like many units, will sustain a 5% salary reduction, which equates to nine days of unpaid leave over the remainder of this fiscal year. To best manage these reductions, the Research Office will be formally closed on the following dates. Please plan accordingly for proposal submissions. Research Office Closures
In light of recent staff reductions, Facilities, Real Estate and Auxiliary Services (FREAS) has instituted a prioritization process for Requests for Service, including the installation of new research equipment. Emergency projects — those that affect safety, impact building security or prevent property damage — will be addressed immediately. All other requests will be reviewed with the appropriate dean or vice president and prioritized by the provost and the vice president for research, scholarship and innovation. Please see these FAQs for more information. The next research town hall, led by Charlie Riordan, vice president for research, scholarship and innovation, will be held from 2-3 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 30. Register online. The town halls are recorded and archived on this webpage. For more information, contact UDResearch@udel.edu. UD surveillance testing: UD continues to conduct COVID-19 surveillance testing for students and essential faculty and staff on Mondays and Wednesdays in Clayton Hall on the Laird Campus and in the Perkins Student Center. Testing at these locations concludes for the Thanksgiving break after today’s sessions and will resume on Monday, Nov. 30. This testing is for asymptomatic individuals. Students with COVID-19 symptoms can call Student Health for testing at 302-831-2226 For students in residence halls: Have questions about student housing during the Thanksgiving break, Winter Session or the spring semester? An FAQ on the Residence Life and Housing website provides lots of answers, as well as phone and email contact information. Upcoming dates to remember:
Updates for faculty members and instructional staff: On Friday, Nov. 13, Lynn Okagaki, deputy provost, led an Academic Affairs town hall for faculty and instructional staff to review academic progress this fall and to address items related to the spring 2021 semester. The recording and presentations may be accessed online at https://provost.udel.edu/continuity/. With few exceptions, all Fall 2020 face-to-face classes will move to being online beginning Nov. 30. Instructors whose courses are transitioning to online delivery need to make sure that their students know how to connect to classes for the remainder of the semester. Counseling and support are available: Students in need of counseling and support may call UD’s Center for Counseling and Student Development at 302-831-2141 or the UD Helpline, which is available at any time, day or night, for students feeling anxious, overwhelmed, depressed or otherwise in need of counseling. Students can call 302-831-1001 to get live counseling assistance 24/7. Additional information may be found at the center’s website. All UD employees, their spouses, dependents, parents and in-laws may access the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) by calling 800-343-2186 or visiting the program’s website. If using the website, UD employees should enter "State of Delaware" as the password. Questions about Fall 2020? Send an email to coronavirus@udel.edu. |
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