March 13 update: Residence halls to close
March 13, 2020
UD student housing to close for semester, courses move online
Editor's note: On March 13, UD President Dennis Assanis sent the following message to the University community.
March 13, 2020
Dear Blue Hens,
At the University of Delaware, the health and safety of our community is most important. We stand united as we continue to navigate the evolving nature of novel coronavirus (COVID-19). We understand that this global health situation is causing an unexpected impact on everyone’s lives and our spring semester. But we are all in this together. I want you all to know how much I appreciate your response, cooperation and understanding at such a trying time for the UD community and our world.
With the health and well-being of everyone being of utmost importance, we have made the decision to take further actions by closing all UD owned and/or operated student housing facilities through the end of the semester. This was not an easy decision by any means. I know I speak for the entire administration and our trustees when I say that everyone wishes that the situation could be otherwise, but we believe this is the most responsible decision for everyone’s wellbeing.
As you have already been informed, all courses will be conducted online and via remote learning beginning March 23 and will continue through the end of the semester. With regard to the immediate closure of our campus residence halls, please note the following:
- Those students who previously arranged to remain on campus during spring break should begin moving out as soon as they are able and must vacate by 10 p.m. on Tuesday, March 17.
- All other resident students must move out by 10 p.m. on Sunday, March 22.
- If you cannot return home because of international travel restrictions or serious personal reasons, we will work with you to make special on-campus housing arrangements.
- Students will be issued a pro rata refund for housing and dining fees at the conclusion of the semester. Further details will be communicated in the coming weeks.
All students living in on-campus housing must complete this form immediately.
At UD we have a large and diverse community of people, of all ages and health conditions. These steps are essential to protect the health and well-being of the UD and surrounding communities, including those who may be among the more vulnerable to this disease. As of today, four people connected to the University have tested positive for COVID-19; all cases are linked to an off-campus social event in February. We continue to keep all of them in our thoughts.
I want to thank you for your patience while we work together to navigate the far-reaching impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the state of emergency that has been declared in Delaware. This is not the type of spring semester we want to have at the University of Delaware. I especially feel for our seniors whose Blue Hen experience is being so severely disrupted. My hope is that the situation will change as we approach Commencement. We are committed to ensuring all of our students, especially our graduating seniors, can meet their academic requirements. We will continue to keep everyone informed as we learn more about the spread of the virus in the coming days.
This is an unprecedented time of uncertainty not only for our colleges and universities, but also for our entire world. When faced with extraordinary circumstances such as this, we need to come together to work out solutions that are in the best interest of our students, faculty, and staff. In the end, we are all motivated by the same desire to teach, learn and grow while also protecting the health of our friends, neighbors and colleagues.
As your President, I ask that you continue to support each other. The Blue Hen spirit that unites us all will inspire us to persevere through this time of challenge.
Dennis Assanis
Please check the University’s coronavirus website for the most up-to-date information and detailed FAQs specific to Residence Life and Housing. Additional questions may be emailed to coronavirus@udel.edu. The COVID-19 Call Center at UD, available at 302-831-1188, will be open until 8 p.m. today and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.
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