Forward to Fall 2020
August 05, 2020
News about a new phase of research operations, library pickup service, COVID-19 testing and more
Stay informed about recent decisions and plans being made as UD gears up for the fall semester. Decisions are being made continuously as the University responds to this ever-changing situation. Current and complete information is always available at www.udel.edu/return, including details on health and safety, academics, research, campus life, athletics and events, and working at UD.
Have a specific question? Check the FAQs, which are updated as new information becomes available. As questions come in to coronavirus@udel.edu, answers are added to the FAQs as well.
Phase 3 of research operations: Effective Monday, Aug. 10, UD will launch Phase 3 of research operations, which will allow up to two-thirds of lab personnel to be at work simultaneously, with indoor density increasing to, at a maximum, one person per 125 square feet. Research work that can be effectively performed remotely should continue in that mode, including meetings and advising. The next Virtual Research Town Hall will be presented by Charlie Riordan, vice president for research, scholarship and innovation, from 1-2 p.m., Monday, Aug. 17. Register here. The town halls are recorded and archived on this webpage.
Library Pickup Service: Starting Monday, Aug. 10, students, faculty and staff will be able to pick up physical items (books, DVDs, etc.) from the Library, Museums and Press' collections that they have requested in advance. The pickup location will be Morris Library. For more information, please visit the Library Pickup Service page.
COVID-19 testing this Friday: UD is partnering with Delaware Emergency Management to offer drive-through COVID-19 testing this Friday, Aug. 7, on the STAR Campus. Testing is open to all UD faculty, staff and students, with or without symptoms of COVID-19. The event will run from 9 a.m.-1 p.m., and the availability of tests is on a first-come, first-served basis. Advance registration is required.
Virtual town halls for families: Student Life leaders will offer two virtual town halls for families of UD students at 7 p.m., Monday, Aug. 17, and at 2 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 19. Speakers will explain UD’s plans, respond to concerns and provide resources for families to support their students. Registration is required.
Complimentary parking this fall: Campus parking permits for the fall 2020 semester will be complimentary, though permits will be required. Permits can be obtained online. Employees with auto-renewal permits will have their permits renewed through Dec. 31, 2020, at no charge. An additional renewal will occur for January through August. Questions can be referred to Parking Services at parking@udel.edu.
Academic Affairs for faculty and staff: Faculty and staff are invited to register for the next Academic Affairs Town Hall, scheduled from 1-2 p.m., Friday, Aug. 7. To join the Zoom session, faculty and staff must register in advance here. Please submit questions in advance via this form to allow panelists time to gather answers and respond during the webinar. Faculty and instructional staff are encouraged to visit https://sites.udel.edu/provost/continuity/ for more information about the town halls and for specific resources for faculty regarding online teaching and classroom protocols.
Support resources: Students in need of counseling and support may call UD’s Center for Counseling and Student Development at 302-831-2141 or the UD Helpline, which is available at any time, day or night, for students feeling anxious, overwhelmed, depressed or otherwise in need of counseling. Students can call 302-831-1001 to get live counseling assistance 24/7. Additional information may be found at the center’s website. All UD employees, their spouses, dependents, parents and in-laws may access the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) by calling 800-343-2186 or visiting the program’s website. If using the website, UD employees should enter "State of Delaware" as the password.
Questions about Fall 2020? Send an email to coronavirus@udel.edu.
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