For the Record
September 20, 2019
University community reports presentations, publications, honors
For the Record provides information about recent professional activities and achievements of University of Delaware faculty, staff, students and alumni.
Recent presentations, publications and honors include the following:

Jennifer Horney, founding director of the epidemiology program in the College of Health Sciences, presented research on the potential public health impacts of global policies that are leading to increased incineration of recyclables in the U.S. at the American College of Epidemiology’s annual meeting, held Sept. 7-10 in Pasadena, California. The research engaged 14 UD students in field data collection this summer as part of a survey conducted in a Pennsylvania environmental justice community.
Trevor A. Dawes, vice provost for libraries and museums and May Morris University Librarian, coauthored “What Degree is Necessary to Lead? ARL Directors’ Perceptions” with Russell Michalak and Monica Rysavy of Goldey-Beacom College. The article examines if current Association of Research Libraries (ARL) administrators hold a master’s degree in library and information science and whether they felt it was necessary for library administrators to hold such a degree. It appears in the September 2019 issue of College and Research Libraries.
Tanisha C. Ford, associate professor of Africana studies and history and an award-winning writer and pop-culture critic, has published Dressed in Dreams: A Black Girl’s Love Letter to the Power of Fashion. The memoir, published this summer by St. Martin’s Press, has won praise for its exploration of the ways in which culture shapes style. The Department of Africana Studies will host a book party to celebrate the release at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 25, in 116 Gore Hall, where Ford will read excerpts from the book.
Trevor A. Dawes, vice provost for libraries and museums and May Morris University Librarian, was elected to be chair of the board of the Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA), of which the University of Delaware is a member. The GWLA is a dynamic, effective, project-oriented consortium of academic research libraries located across the United States that is nationally recognized as a leader in the transformation of scholarly communication and a facilitator in the application of new information technologies. Dawes will serve the next year as vice chair of the board, before assuming the role of chair for the subsequent year.
Spencer R. Moller, doctoral student, and Frank Linam, master’s student, both in the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, were selected to participate in the Soil Science Society of America’s (SSSA) yearly congressional visit day, which is designed to bring attention to the need for funding and support for bills that support the environment. Moller and Linam visited Washington, D.C., to advocate and lobby for funding in support of science to be maintained or increased, and they also discussed legislative support for current environmental bills, including the Digital Coast Act, which will have an influence on the Chesapeake Bay; the American Mineral Security Act, which is designed to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign minerals; and the STEM Opportunities Act, which supports underrepresented people in scientific fields. They spoke with Delaware and Virginia officials, including Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, Sen. Chris Coons, Sen. Tom Carper, Rep. Jennifer Wexton, Sen. Mark Warner and Sen. Tim Kaine.
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