Protect your UD ONEcard
October 01, 2019
Wireless charging with your ONEcard in a cell phone wallet will damage card
The UD ONEcard serves as official idenfication at the University of Delaware.
But don’t learn this the hard way: putting your ONEcard in contact with your wireless charger will fry the RFID chip in your card, rendering it useless. Nearly 50% of replacement cards issued since the beginning of the 2019 fall semester were due to wireless charging damage. A $10 replacement fee is charged for cards damaged by wireless charging.
If you carry your ONEcard in a card-wallet or sleeve attached to your mobile phone, remove it before charging your phone. If you keep any items with an RFID chip in your cell phone wallet, remove them before charging.
If you suspect that your card is damaged, check for a slightly raised bump above either your name or your ID number on the front of your card as indicated by the red circles in the image above. In severe cases a small brown burn mark will appear in one of these locations.
Here are some other important tips to prolong the life of your ONEcard:
- Do not bend the card.
- Do not puncture the card.
- Do not expose to extreme heat (for example, clothes dryer or car dashboard on a sunny day).
- Do not keep your ONEcard with your phone while charging on a wireless charger.
- Use a protective badge holder (available for purchase in the ID Card Office and University Bookstore).
If your ONEcard has been damaged beyond normal wear and tear, a $10 replacement fee is charged. If a card is lost or stolen, a $25 replacement fee is charged (this fee is reduced to $10 if you can provide a police report at the time of replacement).
The ID Card Office is located in the Student Services Building on Lovett Avenue, and can be reached at (302) 831-CARD (2273).
For further information, please visit: https://www.udel.edu/onecard
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