UD Shuttle Bus schedule changes
May 10, 2019
Service expands to help students get through spring semester final exams
The University of Delaware shuttle bus service will have schedule changes for the period of May 20 through May 31 to help students get through spring semester final exams.
May 20-24 (Monday-Friday): All routes operating normally. Final Exam Study Shuttle will be available every 30 minutes, from 2 a.m until 6:30 a.m. These shuttles depart from Lot 34, just south of the Morris Library, within view of the East entrance.
May 25-26 (Saturday-Sunday): Normal weekend bus service.
May 27 (Monday, Memorial Day): Normal holiday bus service.
May 28-30 (Tuesday-Thursday): All routes operating normally. On Thursday, bus service will end at 10:10 p.m. On Tuesday and Wednesday, Final Exam Study Shuttle will be available every 30 minutes, from 2 a.m until 6:30 a.m. These shuttles depart from Lot 34, just south of the Morris Library, within view of the East entrance.
May 31 (Friday): Summer service and summer routes will begin operation from 4:19 a.m through 10:10 p.m. This Monday-through-Friday schedule will remain in effect until Aug. 23.
For more information, including the full schedule for May 27 and May 31, please visit the UD transportation website: https://sites.udel.edu/transportation
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