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Social Media Ambassadors pose with Instagram cutout.
Social Media Ambassadors show their Blue Hen pride.

Become a UD Social Media Ambassador

Photo courtesy of Mandie Grant (Blue Hen Mandie)

Students invited to apply for fall semester 2019

The University of Delaware Office of Communications and Marketing (OCM) is accepting applications from students interested in joining the Social Media Ambassador (SMA) program for the fall semester of 2019.
Undergraduate students from all majors interested in social media, marketing, video production, photography, and events are invited to apply.

SMAs are given official Blue Hen Twitter and Instagram accounts to share their experiences at UD with fellow and prospective students. They work as a team to create engaging content for official UD social media, while showing what life as a Blue Hen is really like.

“The UD SMA program has provided me with opportunities on campus that have shaped my time at UD,” says Mandie Grant (BlueHenMandie). “I have been able to learn how to share professional content on social media, while creating memories that will last me a lifetime.”

SMAs gain special access to cover a variety of campus events, such as VIP passes to UD sports, “Tweet seats” at performances and press passes for campus visits by famous speakers.

For Regina Donato (BlueHenRegina), being an SMA has provided her with leadership experience to build her resume.

“Being an SMA has given me the ability to grow my leadership skills, as the program gives you an opportunity to be a Social Media Leader. I've had the opportunity to cover everything from [famous visitors] to campus activities, but the best part is being able to share my experience with everyone else, too.”

Required monthly meetings serve as a time for SMAs to convene, get to know one another and discuss emerging digital trends. Meetings are held once each month during fall and spring semesters from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesdays.

The deadline to apply is Wednesday, July 31. Inquiries can be sent to socialmedia@udel.edu.

For further information, please visit: https://www.udel.edu/home/ocm/digital/social-media/sma-application/

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