Winter Weather Advisory today
January 08, 2018
National Weather Service predicts freezing rain, sleet, snow
The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Weather Advisory for northern Delaware from 1-9 p.m., today, Jan. 8. University of Delaware officials are monitoring the weather closely throughout the day.
The Weather Service is calling for freezing rain, sleet and snow, beginning between 1 and 3 p.m. The ice will result in very slippery conditions on untreated sidewalks, roads and bridges. A light glaze of ice is expected, with snow and sleet accumulations of up to a half inch.
Ice is expected to create hazardous conditions on area roads and walkways since the ground is very cold. Icy conditions could resuit in significant travel delays for the evening commute.
Whenever there are campuswide weather-related closings, late openings or early closings, information will be available in a variety of ways:
• On the UD home page (www.udel.edu) and on UDaily;
• On the University's primary social media accounts: www.facebook.com/UDelaware and www.twitter.com/UDelaware, as well as www.facebook.com/UDelPolice and www.Twitter.com/udelpolice.
• In an email to all members of the campus community;
• Via the University's LiveSafe smartphone application, which provides the option to receive email or text updates (To use this option, you must download the free app. For information on how to subscribe to LiveSafe, click here.);
• On UD's telephone directory information line at 302-831-2000;
• On the state Department of Education's School Closings and Delays website, which includes an option for automatic notification (To use the notification option, you must subscribe to this service which is not maintained by UD); and
• On local radio broadcasts.
Students enrolled in the University of Delaware Associate in Arts Program on the Delaware Technical Community College campuses in Wilmington, Dover and Georgetown should follow the Delaware Technical schedule regarding closings and late openings.
Members of the campus community should not call UD Police so that telephone lines there can remain open for emergency calls.
Please note that the UD Alert system will not typically be used for weather-related closings unless immediate action is required. UD Alert is an emergency notification tool activated only during major emergencies or situations where there is an imminent danger to the safety and welfare of the University community.
UD Policy
Members of the University community are reminded that safety is UD's highest priority. Students and employees should not put themselves at risk. Students who are unable to get to campus because of the weather should contact their professors. Employees who expect difficulty traveling should contact their supervisors.
University Policies include a section dealing with personal safety considerations for faculty and students. Please note the policy, which is reprinted here:
Faculty and students are not expected to take unnecessary risks to meet their teaching and learning obligations due to inclement weather. When classes have not been canceled, it is a matter of personal judgment whether traveling to campus is hazardous. Faculty should notify their departmental offices when weather precludes them from meeting their teaching obligations; similarly, students should notify their professors when inclement weather precludes them from class attendance. In such cases, students should be allowed to make up missed class time and, whenever possible, canceled classes should be rescheduled.
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