University appellate board seeks student members
February 08, 2018
Office of Student Conduct invites students to gain marketable skills through appellate experience
The University of Delaware Office of Student Conduct is now recruiting undergraduate students to join the appellate board for the 2018-2019 academic year. All applications must be completed online by Sunday, Feb. 25.
The Office of Student Conduct Appellate Board is the final reviewing body for pending student conduct matters and is an integral part of the student conduct process. Students participating as board members will have the opportunity to join University officials and faculty members in reviewing cases under appeal and solidify final decisions on each case. Their decisions will then take immediate effect through the Office of Student Conduct.
Student board members grow professionally and gain experience communicating effectively, thinking critically, building consensus and determining outcomes that hold students accountable for their behavior when they violate policies.
“The student voice is just as important as the faculty and the staff voice when it comes to reviewing these cases,” said Holli Harvey-Dudlek, director of the Office of Student Conduct. “It sometimes can be life changing for the student whose case is being reviewed, since they can potentially face suspension and expulsion, so the students are great contributors on the appellate board.”
Emily Doris, a junior majoring in international relations, said, “When I applied to be a student member on the appellate board in the spring of my freshman year it was on a complete whim. I was looking for ways to get involved and thought this could be interesting. Since then, this group has been such an insightful and unique part of my time at the University of Delaware. I have really enjoyed working with this office because it's given me insight into how a student decision can influence our campus community and has introduced me to some awesome and engaged students and faculty. Working with Student Conduct has made me realize that the University really does want the best for all of its students. The people in the office are great, very fun and welcoming, and serving here has made me realize that a career in higher education is something I am interested in pursuing after graduation.”
Interested students submit a completed application and recommendation letters online. Individual and group interviews follow. Applicants must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.2 and not have a current student conduct sanction. Students can obtain applications on the website through Feb. 25.
Newly appointed appellate board members will complete training throughout April and May consisting of a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on training. New members will be qualified to start serving on the appellate board as early as the summer.
UD faculty and staff who are interested in serving on the appellate board can contact the Office of Student Conduct for more information. All UD students who are interesting in applying can contact Regina Donato by phone, 302-831-2117, or email student-conduct@udel.edu with any questions. For more information about the appellate board, visit the website.
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