TIAA update
September 05, 2017
New investment menu now available for UD Retirement Program
Updates to the University of Delaware Retirement Program continue with the launch of the new investment menu. The options are arranged in a multi-tier structure, offering a variety of investments from leading providers.
You can create a tailored retirement strategy by investing in target date funds, mutual funds, annuities or a brokerage account option. If you prefer, you may build a portfolio that includes options from multiple tiers. Click here to learn more.
TIAA will host multiple on-campus information and education sessions this month and next.

Sessions will provide a brief overview of the 403b transition, including new features such as the Brokerage account option, as well as the Roth contribution option coming in January 2018. No registration is required to attend these sessions. Dates, times and locations can be found on the Retirement Transition web page. If you have questions, please email hrhelp@udel.edu.
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