Nov. 29: Rally in support of graduate education
November 27, 2017
Graduate students organize rally in opposition to proposed tax bill
Graduate students at the University of Delaware have organized a rally in solidarity with graduate and higher education, scheduled from 1-2 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 29, on The Green in front of Memorial Hall.
The rally is being held in conjunction with a nationwide effort to bring attention to the impact of the proposed federal tax reform bill on graduate students and graduate education.
The UD event is being organized by David Maisson, doctoral student in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences and president of the Graduate Student Government.
“The key message is that while many campuses are hosting ‘walkouts,’ we feel the stronger and more important message is a rally in support of graduate education” Maisson said. “It is our belief that graduate education and graduate students are the backbone of innovation, research, discovery and academics across the world.
“An attack on this community is an attack on the value of those pursuits,” he said. “The tax reform bill, in the form voted on by the House of Representatives, stands to unspeakably damage/destroy the entire graduate education system. Therefore, it stands to irreparably damage the pursuit of progress, knowledge and discovery in this country with ramifications that could reverberate across generations to come. We are rallying against that dark future.”
The Nov. 29 rally will include remarks by UD graduate students, faculty and administrators, as well as a panel of graduate students discussing how the current bill stands to affect them.
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